Quick … Somebody Tell Doug … It’s NOT 1983

Ed Mosca

Do you know about Doug Burgum? He’s a Republican. He’s the Governor of North Dakota. He is Reaganesque, and he is running for President. He would be the PERFECT candidate … IF it were 1983. It’s not.

It’s 2023, and America’s most dangerous enemies are DOMESTIC, not foreign – Mayorkas, Wray, Garland, Biden, and their ilk pose a far greater threat to America than Xi or Putin.

Yet in the glossy SIX-page flyer I received, there is not a mention of the threat the FBI/DOJ and the CIA/”Intelligence-Community” pose. Instead:

Doug will rebuild our military and win the cold war with China. His energy policies will help defeat Putin …

Winning the Cold War with China means taking on Blackrock, JP Morgan, and all the other “American” businesses who are funding China’s military buildup by investing in China in lieu of America.

Putin is not Hitler. He is not even Brezhnev, and the border dispute between Russia and Ukraine could’ve and should have been avoided. But Biden/Blackrock chose WAR and big profits for the military-industrial complex … over compromise and peace.

It’s not 1983, Doug. America’s most dangerous enemies live in and around Washington, DC.



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