Stop Me If You’ve Heard This one – John Kerry and Hillary Clinton Walk into a Democratic Primary….

The current crop of presidential candidates on the left leaves much to be desired. They can’t help being Democrats but ignoring that even Democrats are not too fired up about them. So, a Harvard Harris Poll added some new players to take the voter’s temperature.

Hillary has teased the idea of not running repeatedly. It hasn’t been on her radar, she’s not thinking about it, it isn’t something she is planing at this time. That means she is and may and very well could run. But she’s still Hillary. The Biggest sore loser in this century, possibly our history. But Democrats would vote for her because she’s not Trump.

John Kerry seems like a strange addition but he ran and lost (in this century) so why not? He may have bigger problems with Ukraine than with Swift boats but what the heck. He’s not Trump either.

Add them to the clown car, shake it up, and see where they fall.


Which is interesting. I don’t think the DNC or any other prominent Demcorat wants her to run. But registered Democrats are so excited about the current raft of options when her name is added she’s their top pic.

What does that say?

Hello, Trump victory 2020.


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