A few days ago, this made the rounds under the rubric that Conservative females are far more attractive than Progressive ones.
Tolerance Much, Asma Elhuni? No, Not at All. The True Face of Intolerance – Which Is the End Result of Critical Race Theory
Catch that “whiteness” bit by Haddad (below), NH Governor Chris Sununu? THIS is what you want to be taught in our schools and through your Government? Such a Legacy you’ll leave.
So Cheese is now RAACIST! Is There ANYTHING That Word Can’t Describe?
So, Cheese is racist, schools are racists, hospitals are racists, highways are racists, the Internet is racist, the Senate filibuster is racist, energy is racist, voting is racist, money is racist, societal norms are racist – is there ANYTHING that isn’t racist?
Neither Wendy Thomas Nor Nancy Murphy is Fit to Hold Public Office
If you’d like to know whether you can trust people with political power, you may have to hand them a little to see what they do with it. In 2018 the town of Merrimack tried that with Nancy Murphy and Wendy Thomas. They both failed that test miserably.
Green is the New Black – Reliable Energy is Racist
What is it going to take to wake everyone up? What if the government told you that racism is a public health threat and the powers that be could use that to issue extra-constitutional demands. That’s familiar enough, but how about this. Using energy sources that can be relied upon to keep you from freezing to death is racist too.
Stopped Clock Charles Barkley on Race Relations and Political Power (and it’s brilliant!)
Charles Barkley knows basketball and he gets paid a lot to talk about it. I know little to nothing about Basketball beyond my good fortune at having been able to watch the Larry-Bird Celtics dominate the game. So, I don’t talk basketball I stick to politics. Barkley doesn’t always stick to his sport and the outcome is a jump ball.
Another Biden-Dog Bites Man Story (A Metaphor for Government?)
Joe Biden’s got a Major problem. His dog, Major, after being allowed back on the White House campus, bit another public employee. That’s his second. But he’s a Democrat dog, so there will be no FBI investigation or articles of impeachment.
I Don’t Like Where This “Warrantless Searches” is Going.
Steve had a post a couple of weeks ago called “NH Senators Shaheen and Hassan Vote to Protect “Warrantless” Online Surveillance” where he called out Democrat US Senators (NH Socialists) Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie “The Red” Hassan.
Blogline of the Day – Yes, Indeed, They Are Mental Midgets
“I’ve long been fascinated by the Left’s need to pull down all giants of the past. It’s as though they know they’re intellectual midgets who can never measure up, and at the same time are trying to hide it from everyone else.”
Die Gedanken sind frei … A Tune for While You Read
Die Gedanken sind frei … My thoughts freely flower. My thoughts give me power. No scholar can map them; no hunter can trap them; o man can deny… Die Gedanken sind frei.
Ordinances, Regulations, Statutes, Constitutions I Get – Same Question on “Guidelines”?
Ordinances, regulations, statutes, constitutions I get – same question on “guidelines”? Or, “guidance” as well. I’ve remarked before WHY are we supposed to “obey” these nebulous orders from either bureaucrats or Unitary Executives?
A Treehugger state of mind – from showerheads to BitCoin
They wanted to control showerheads and now your wealth. Again (as if you needed reminding), the THers are, like any kind of Socialists, are Government-centric. ONLY Government can do “good” things and nothing should be outside the ken of said Government. And they show their disdain quite easily: SHOT: 12/2018 – Good news: Bitcoin is becoming … Read more
We Lost Power Already?
It’s not even 2 pm ET and at least 3000 people in and around my part of Merrimack are without power. Everource doesn’t mean what I think they think it means.
“The End of Women’s Sports”
It is now clear that Progressives (who formerly called themselves Liberals but have always been Socialists at heart since the 1880s) hate women. Certainly, most of the Feminists that fought for equal rights since the 60s must and should be abhorred by men invading their space.
Never Ending Wuflu Lockdown: We Know NY Gov. Andrew “Throw the COVID Positives Into Our Nursing Homes” Cuomo Agrees With This
I’m betting more than a few more State Governors will be of like mind With Cuomo simply because the REAL Taste of Power that COVID has given them cover for is just too irresistible to refuse.
Constitutional Takings From Sea to Not so Shining Seattle
When Seattle aided and abetted the autonomous zone (CHOP), depriving people of the means and or enjoyment of their property, was that unconstitutional taking? That is the question, and a judge just allowed the lawsuit meant to answer it, to go to trial.
Gov. Kirsti Noem – Leaders Need to “Know Their Place” and Not “Overstep Their Authority”
Our prognostication has long since come to pass. Public Health truly is just another mule for tyranny. And those beasts of burden have names in both political parties, though most are Democrats—people who have no intention of allowing anything to interfere with this exercise of power.
What Is Great News for Normal People Is Bad News for the Media, and Leftist Politicians
The Bureau of Labor Statistics report for August says the U.S. economy is surging forward in strong recovery mode. September was more of the same. Sure 7.9% is not as pretty in comparison to the 3.5% rate in February. But that was before COVID-19 hit.
It’s a Revolution … What Kind Does not Matter
Lee Edwards is the fellow in conservative thought at The Heritage Foundation. Working at the B. Kenneth Simon Center for Principles and Politics he wrote an article recently. In it, Mr. Edwards observes “…there are revolutions and there are revolutions.”