Green is the New Black – Reliable Energy is Racist

What is it going to take to wake everyone up? What if the government told you that racism is a public health threat and the powers that be could use that to issue extra-constitutional demands. That’s familiar enough, but how about this. Using energy sources that can be relied upon to keep you from freezing to death is racist too.

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A Treehugger state of mind – from showerheads to BitCoin

They wanted to control showerheads and now your wealth. Again (as if you needed reminding), the THers are, like any kind of Socialists, are Government-centric. ONLY Government can do “good” things and nothing should be outside the ken of said Government. And they show their disdain quite easily: SHOT:  12/2018 – Good news: Bitcoin is becoming … Read more

Selina Soule

“The End of Women’s Sports”

It is now clear that Progressives (who formerly called themselves Liberals but have always been Socialists at heart since the 1880s) hate women. Certainly, most of the Feminists that fought for equal rights since the 60s must and should be abhorred by men invading their space.

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Politics is for Congress not SCOTUS

Judge Barrett is beginning to look too clean for the usual attacks. The Socialists masquerading as Democrats’ have tried slinging mud to negligible effect. All they are doing is making themselves appear mean, hate-filled, and petty.

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