Never Ending Wuflu Lockdown: We Know NY Gov. Andrew "Throw the COVID Positives Into Our Nursing Homes" Cuomo Agrees With This - Granite Grok

Never Ending Wuflu Lockdown: We Know NY Gov. Andrew “Throw the COVID Positives Into Our Nursing Homes” Cuomo Agrees With This

Political Power

I’m betting more than a few more State Governors will be of like mind With Cuomo simply because the REAL Taste of Power that COVID has given them cover for is just too irresistible to refuse.

They didn’t have the backbone or will to refuse that first little lick and have gone full buffet overload (yes, Michigan Governor “Half-Wit” Gretchen Whitmer, I’m talking to you. Ditto for CA Gov Newsome who needs some better executive sense) on what they think they can do.

Until enough folks say enough is enough, the “beatings” will continue. I’m beginning to forget how long our 15 days has been. Hey, Gov. Sununu, wanna remind us (and NOT by issuing yet another Emergency Order extending your non-Legislative Power)?

(H/T: Instapundit)
