Statue of Liberty

The Founders’ Warnings on Power and Liberty

The Founders warned us – again and again – that power always expands, no matter who holds it. You can’t trust anyone with power, no matter how much you like them or what they’re doing with it, because that same power will eventually fall into the hands of someone determined to destroy your liberty. Their … Read more

Benjamin Franklin Speech Exposes the Inherent Danger of Power and Money

On June 2, 1787, Benjamin Franklin delivered a speech at the Philadelphia Convention opposing a provision in the proposed Constitution to pay the president a salary. The speech reveals some important aspects of human nature that we should keep in mind today. Franklin submitted a change to the proposed Constitution stipulating that instead of paying … Read more

Colin Booth – So Nice of Him To Show Us What a Democrat Scumbag He Is

What are the watchwords of Progressive / Democrats / other assorted Leftists?  In their own Wokeness, they are all about “tolerance,” “inclusive | inclusiveness,” “affirmation,” and “community.” They bandy them about as if they believed them as the highest attributes in the world. If only they acted and spoke in concert with them. Unfortunately, like … Read more

SEC logo

Hide and Seek

No wonder Freedom of Information laws have had to be created in the past decade or so. So many elected officials have been hiding so many underhanded dealings that once could be expected to be uncovered by real reporters. Sadly, they are now few and far between. They used to keep those officials thinking about … Read more

dont let me vote democrat

They Said What?

Listening to the Left is like an exercise in gibberish nonsense. In one LTE in the Daily Sun, the writer claims anyone questioning their narrative on “global warming” is a denial of science. Nonsense! Global warming exists and has for ten thousand years. What we on the right believe is: that no way is the … Read more

German Ag Minister want higher food prices for Germans Appreciate them Instapundit

What is He, the Food Czar?

I see this a lot at Treehugger. Heck, I’ve seen American Elites say this as well. “Well, you’d ENJOY it more if you had to pay more for it!”  At least with the Eco-Socialists, they want you to eat LESS food (like Oezdemir) so you hurt GAIA (the planet) less – you selfish nothing of a person!

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