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Reality – Leftist Americans are too coddled

I came across the words of writer philosopher Ayn Rand just recently that seem highly appropriate just now. She said (I paraphrase): You can avoid reality, but can not avoid the consequences of avoiding reality. I don’t know but I’d guess all those anti Trump voters who were living in the mainstream media’s false reality … Read more

Intersectionality FI

‘Wokeness is Being Pushed on Everyone’

by Skip

I wouldn’t have expected to see an article so aptly named out of Sp!ked but sometimes you can find diamonds in a trash dump. They had an interview with a Helen Pluckrose on why we are seeing such nuttiness from the Left. The woke, the SJWs, the Karens, seemingly in such short order and time frames.

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America's Future 2020

Still the Land of the Free? Maybe Not.

Before coronavirus and widespread rioting filled the headlines, there was the controversy over undocumented immigration and sanctuary cities.  Advocates of open borders were using the Statue of Liberty and the words inscribed in her base to defend their argument.

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we need 2A HongKong

What does it say about our Country when Hong Kong-ers are waving American flags while fighting to protect their Freedom…

by Skip

…from the Chinese Communists while here in America, the Left waves flags for and advocates for adoption of the same oppressive Socialist and Communist political structures that is oppressing the young in Hong Kong. A parade of U.S. flags as #hongkong rally plays messages of support from U.S. lawmakers pic.twitter.com/q1LTzOhK3T — Annie Wu (@annieeenyc) November … Read more

pride flag

The ‘Pride Flag’ is Now a Symbol of Oppression

It’s ‘Pride Month.’ This is the month that the LGBTQ (and whatever else they’ve decided to add) Community celebrates their pride for being part of the community and celebrates no longer being ‘oppressed’ because of their sexual orientation or choices. I’ve never taken issue with this, I agree that this community was oppressed for years … Read more

Welcome to Islamic State of North America

If Islam were to become dominant; what would America’s reality look like? We know creation of an Islamic State means imposition of a theocratic totalitarian government. This theocracy is religious state government with centralized control by an autocratic, authoritarian, dictatorial, despotic hierarchy under one ruler. According to an Art Moore World News Daily article a … Read more

Irony Alert: NH Gov. Diversity and Inclusion Council ‘Listening Sessions’ All Took Place in Towns Won by Clinton in 2016

militant-snowflakeI’m trying to wade through the preliminary report from the Governor’s Council on Diversity and Inclusion. The first thing that struck me was that their first foray into information gathering included “Listening Sessions” in three locations. Durham, Portsmouth, and Claremont.

Yes, the diversity and inclusion council chose to begin their excellent virtue signaling adventure by “listening” to the concerns of citizens in three locations that chose Hillary Clinton in 2016.

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