The ‘Pride Flag’ is Now a Symbol of Oppression

It’s ‘Pride Month.’ This is the month that the LGBTQ (and whatever else they’ve decided to add) Community celebrates their pride for being part of the community and celebrates no longer being ‘oppressed’ because of their sexual orientation or choices.

I’ve never taken issue with this, I agree that this community was oppressed for years by others and it’s good that they no longer have to ‘hide’ in closets.

Unfortunately, the very same people who fought against oppression have turned into the oppressors.

And for the record, no, I’m not referring to the LGBTQ community in general. I’m referring to the radical LGBTQ activists who have shoved their agenda down the throats of Americans all while pushing ignorant, cowardly legislators to pass laws that HARM others, or else.

These radical activists, who claim they fought for their own freedom to be who they please, now oppress the freedom of others to be who THEY please. Christian businesses who refuse to participate in gay weddings are just one example. Please notice that these radical activists don’t try to pull the same b.s. with Orthodox Jews or Muslims who are also against gay marriage. Why? Because they solely want to oppress Christians. This isn’t because they are gay, it’s because they are extreme leftists.

These radical activists have turned on the women in their own community by shoving laws down their throats that Redefine womanhood to include men who simply ‘believe’ they are women.

Look, I don’t care what you believe about yourself. You have the right to believe ANYTHING you want for your own self and I will fight for your right to continue to do so but when you force OTHERS to believe what YOU believe, via the long arm of the law, then I have a problem with it.

The radical, left-wing trans activists, who do NOT represent the LGBTQ Community by any stretch of the imagination, have become THE biggest group of oppressors of women and girls.

I have been researching and writing about this issue for the past few years, ever since the left decided to push the trans bill, from an out-of-state organization, in New Hampshire. They somehow conned some Republicans and Libertarians to go along with their scheme to oppress Granite State women and girls.

How are they oppressing women and girls? Have you seen the stories about women and girls being absolutely destroyed by trans women and girls in sports, in professional, collegiate and at the high-school level? Why? Because they are males, not females, and despite the left’s insistence that men and boys can become actual women and girls, it’s just not a scientific fact and never will be.

Women fought for decades to not only have private, women-only spaces, but they fought to have access to sports like men and boys did. While I may not agree with a whole lot about Title IX, thanks to radical LGBTQ Activists and the Obama Administration, ‘suggestions’ were made to allow boys who simply believe they are girls, to compete against actual girls in girls’ sports. I won’t even get started on the absolute ABUSE this radical community, along with complicit psychologists and medical doctors, is waging on children and young adults.

Useless jackasses like Chris Pappas from New Hampshire’s First Congressional District are paying for Facebook ads promoting his support of the Equality Act, which absolutely HARMS women and girls.

But don’t take MY word for it. Maybe radical left-wing feminists who have partnered with far-right fundamental Christian women will help you understand better. From the Women’s Liberation Front:

Dear Speaker Pelosi:

Women are uniting in opposition to the so-called “Equality Act” because Congress should only pass laws that protect women, not threaten, silence or abandon us. The Equality Act seeks to enshrine in civil rights law a new protected class of sex based on “gender identity” that claims no objective standard, medical diagnosis, or permanent intent. Under this bill, gender identity is nothing more than a person’s perception of self that can be changed at any time, for any reason, and cannot be challenged.

The danger to women when biological men seek to claim female identity should seem obvious but is being ignored by proponents of this bill. In the course of congressional debate, our voices have been shut out by members who deny these concerns and dismiss them as fearmongering. Tragically, they are the ones willing to put women at risk by promoting a federal law that would overrule any restriction on gender identity claims and abolish the protections of biological sex specific practices and spaces.

This is an affront to women, putting everything that women have worked to gain, our opportunities and protections, at risk.

As organizations representing hundreds of thousands of women across America, we call on Congress to reject the Equality Act. We stand together against the threats to women proposed by this bill.

We refuse the demand, for ourselves and our daughters, to undress in front of female identifying men in public accommodations or tolerate them undressing in front of us. Concerns seem obvious for women of faith who follow strict guidelines about interaction with the opposite sex, for victims of sexual assault, or for young girls in public restrooms and dressing rooms. In our society, laws should seek to protect the safety and privacy of every woman and girl, not compromise them in the name of “equality”. The weight of refusal should not be placed on our shoulders with the threat of legal jeopardy silencing us as would be the case in the Equality Act.

We refuse to accept that women in emergency shelters, in jail or in prison — women in desperate and vulnerable circumstances whose public voice is barely a whisper— will be forced to shower and share intimate quarters with biological men because others were too afraid to speak up for them.

We refuse to give up our rights to women-only sports. There are thousands of men and boys alive today who run faster than the fastest female runner who ever lived. Puberty, testosterone, and innate biological differences give physical advantages to males that cannot be mitigated, disqualifying any female athlete from fair competition. To deny this is denying science. Title IX’s purpose and benefit will be negated for females under the so-called Equality Act. The tragedy of this is already being seen in women’s sports and will only intensify.

We refuse to give up the few women-only scholarships and small business programs available. These programs are a necessary and proportional response to women’s historical exclusion from public life and commerce, as well as the different life and career paths women often take. We refuse to allow security checkpoints at our nation’s airports, or other sensitive locations, from becoming sites of sexual harassment. Security officers should not be required to conduct body searches of people of the opposite sex, nor should members of the public be required to submit to intimate security checks by officers of the opposite sex.

We refuse to give up our right to accept only intimate medical care from female providers or to at least have a female chaperone during such care, if necessary. This is of particular concern for elderly women, or women and girls with profound disabilities, who might lack the capacity to report abuse by male caretakers.

We refuse to believe children innately require sterilization as minors, by chemical or surgical means, in order to affirm fluid gender perceptions, social stereotypes, or personal expressions. Society should seek to protect the health of children’s bodies and their natural course of maturation through the turbulent, often distressing years of growth and development. The Equality Act would normalize the practice of gender transitioning of minors, which is dangerously on the rise, especially among adolescent girls.

Denying the dangers of the so-called Equality Act for women and girls is a disservice to honest debate. We urge Congress to pass laws that protect and defend the rights and dignity of women and the gains we have made, not laws that risk our safety and our opportunities. The Equality Act is a threat to women, and Congress should reject it.

This isn’t a joke.

Actual women and girls are being HARMED by the radicals in the LGBTQ Community and Democrats who they support who continue to push for actual women’s rights to be infringed upon.

This is why the Pride flag has become a symbol of oppression.

I’m sure I’ll be called a bigot, homophobe, transphobe and ‘TERF’ (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist), a slur term made up by trans women, for this post. I’m none of the above. Nor will I ever be.

I’m a woman who fights for actual women’s rights. Unfortunately, the left and the radicals in the LGBTQ Community, are fighting to take women’s actual rights away. I refuse to go quietly.

Those who were once oppressed, have become the oppressors.


  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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