If you are milking cows, you’re a sexual abuser according to NYU Feminists

by Skip

No, really?  Doing the act so that I can have my morning breakfast of a 16 oz cup of chocolate milk (Hershy’s, natch) is sexual abuse? I’m not sure whether to cry, scream, laugh, or send the author to that Berkley Adulting course (reformatted, emphasis mine):

NY univ. promotes paper comparing cow insemination to ‘rape,’ milking cows to ‘sexual abuse

A paper currently being promoted by a New York university calls on society to consider the rampant “sexual exploitation” of dairy cows by the milk industry in order to “fully fight gendered oppression.” Specifically, the author compares cattle insemination to “rape” and the milking of cows to “sexual abuse.”

And sometimes, a cow is just a domesticated animal and milk is just milk instead of Feminists always trying to anthropomorphizing any little thing into their only worldview lens that women are always being oppressed.  And self-identifying as a four hoofed cud-chewing entity that says “Mooooo” all day long is perfectly permissible to STRIKE AGAINST THE PATRIARCHY!

Or this is a prime example of why never to send your kids, especially if YOU are paying the bills, to college anymore.  You read the below and instantly you should be yanking the back home – after all, for the price of one year’s tuition / room & board ought to get you a new sweet ride with which to zoom by your little ones (brainpower speaking) waving by and thinking “I’ll always be employed – they had their chance”.

Titled “Readying the Rape Rack: Feminism and the Exploitation of Non-Human Reproductive Systems,” the paper was published Friday in a journal called Dissenting Voices, which is published and edited by the Women’s and Gender Studies program at the College at Brockport State University of New York.

The published piece aims at discussing the “sexual exploitation of non-human bodies, specifically dairy cows.” The author notes that “as a vegan and animal rights activist,” she feels compelled to reveal the “feminist aspects of animal agriculture,” a topic she says is unfortunately “under-researched,” but is nonetheless important because “the same way women’s health has been at  stake for years, a dairy cow’s reproductive system has been poked and prodded.”

According to the publication, “the dairy industry is a host for sex-based discrimination,” and a “site where sexual assault and objectification based on biological makeup are highly prevalent but ignored as we choose to neglect non- humans with whom we share a planet.”

The paper argues that “in order to fully fight gendered oppression,” society must also address the plight of dairy cows, which it asserts are “still subjects to sex-based discrimination and violence,” despite their voices being “not always lifted or comprehensible.”

Like this paper – “not…comprehensible”? Go read the whole thing and ask yourselves “where were the editors when this got green-lighted for publication? Or am I giving too much credit to said editors as this DID get out there?  Is this really the reality of what poor shape academic robustness and rigor has descended to?

Look, I read a lot of stuff from militant vegans and this same dribble is repeated over and over again.  The root cause is that these twits can’t see the main point – COWS aren’t HUMAN.  They should not be awarded the same status as humans, and thus, cannot be used (without much derision, ridicule, and silliness directed towards them) as any kind of reasonable debate.

But, try she does!

The piece begins by first attacking the widely contested notion that cow’s milk is even at all beneficial for humans, pointing to the government-funded “Got Milk?” campaign and the questionable motivations behind it.

But author Mackenzie April, an intern for Brockport’s Women’s Studies Department, goes further than the assertion that milk is bad for humans, by claiming that the practice of dairy farming “also supports and exemplifies the degrading way in which we treat female bodies and reproductive health,” adding that she hopes the publication will inspire feminists and other “social justice”-minded individuals to “incorporate non-human bodies into their own feminist perspectives.”

“If we are going to argue fairly for the rights of all beings in a world soured with sex and gender-based oppression, then dairy cows deserve to be taken into account when discussing issues of reproductive women’s  health,” April, who then compares barren female cattle to human women who choose not to have children, writes.

Look, sexual harrassment and abuse is a serious topic and it does have real life victims that need help.  This author isn’t a serious thinker and all she is doing making the case that no one should take her or feminists like her seriously.  For instance: are women who express their own breast milk for those who have none of their own for their newborn (or sell it) also victims of abuse? By and of themselves? After all, if April is devolving that status of women to that of barn animals to make a point that applicable in order to bash men and society, why can’t we “elevate” the point back and twist it to hold it up for all to see to stupidness of even trying to make this stretch?

When I first read this, I dismissed it as some rantings of someone that is unfamiliar with animal husbandry, economics, and people who like the animal products that the Market brings to them.  Yet, given all the other outlandish stuff, originating from Cultural Marxism, coming out of our former places of higher learning, this too will make it out “into the wild”.

God help us all because it is clear that these skulls full of vacuum have no idea what they are spouting – and how it will spread to their unintellectual peers in Society.


(H/T: Campus Reform)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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