NEA Archives - Granite Grok


Snake Oil Coming from New Hampshire’s Learning Initiative

The Learning Initiative gives you a good idea about the players in New Hampshire that push national education initiatives, whether they work or not. Think about all of the fads that have come through our public schools only to be shown that they did nothing to improve academic outcomes.

Randi Weingarten - Screen Grab Kris Ann Hall Show Cheddar News

Time to End the Weingarten Party

Messing with our children is a detriment to their future and the direction of this country. The Pandemic took its toll on every individual, but the way the teacher’s union used COVID as a bargaining tool took its impact on every student in America.

AFT American Federation of Teachers Union Logo

AFT Battles NEA For Most Dangerous Force on Education

I wrote about the NEA, National Education Association, just last week and its damaging influence on education, and worse, our children. With millions of members and their dues supporting far-left political issues and candidates, the NEA is more of a Political Action Committee than an entity concerned with your child’s education. The NEA says on …

AFT Battles NEA For Most Dangerous Force on Education Read More »

Mob war crowd

Teacher’s Union Goes To War with America

Back in 2012, we poked fun at the American Federation of Teachers. They’d sent out a pre-election survey to candidates. Twenty-Five questions, and not one of them was about children or education. Power and money. That was their agenda. And here comes the NEA a decade later.

Conservatives telling CRT to BACK OFF - Lion analogy

The Teacher’s Unions Lied About CRT

Sometimes things happen, and we take them as they come without connecting the dots or following the bread crumbs. Take the Teachers Unions, for example. The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA) said CRT’s not real. It’s a right-wing conspiracy.

1619 Project Propaganda

Falsehoods of the 1619 Project

I am a political science-economics student at UNH. This past semester the students in our political science class had to do a White Paper about globalization. There were strict requirements to getting a passing grade.