It’s been a while (back on July 12) since I tried to unpack my Stack of Tabs I collect as I’m surfing around to see what piques my interest (yeah, I’m a bit overboard on this “collection schtick” – probably about 500-600 tabs easy). So, time to restart!
As always, reformatted and emphasis mine:
…If I had to sum up the gist of this long piece it’s that the right and left are not really communicating. The left is expressing concern over some of what they are seeing in schools and the left is a) misreporting what the bills actually say and b) playing semantic games with the phrase “critical race theory.” So let’s start with that last point first.
FIRE points out that CRT is not the ideal label for what people are responding to. However, FIRE notes that dismissing concerns about what is being taught in schools because it doesn’t fit a dictionary definition of CRT is essentially a dodge (or as John McWhorter called it a “debate team stunt”):
A lot of arguments dismiss the bills by claiming “they don’t teach critical race theory in K-12!”, pointing to the fact that Bell’s work is on few, if any, K-12 syllabi. But that is a refutation of a point no one is actually making.
Like it or not, the acronym “CRT” as commonly used in 2021 doesn’t refer to the foundational texts and authors in the academic movement. It’s a shorthand for certain ideas that have filtered (in reductive forms or not) from CRT thinkers into the mainstream, including in bestselling books like “White Fragility” and “How to Be an Antiracist” — ideas like how relationships between individual white and nonwhite people are those of the oppressor and oppressed, that all white people are consciously or unconsciously racist, that ostensibly raceblind concepts like “meritocracy” are the result of white supremacy, among others.
Take the time to read it
Awe, we, the unwashed rubes, are disappointing the Grift Queen of “White Fragility”:
Much of Nice Racism consists of DiAngelo detecting racist patterns where others might instead observe people trying in their imperfect ways to be human. There is a whole section on white women’s tears, with the author criticizing some white mothers in one emotional session for empathetically crying with and consoling black mothers who described talking to their sons about racist cops.
The relentlessness of the tone-policing after a while makes your face numb: Don’t be too quick to show family photos of your BIPOC kids/grandkids, don’t be too “nice,” don’t “over-smile” to black people (I am not making that up). Don’t think that marrying a black man gives you a pass: “Sadly, many white women don’t demonstrate that their cross-racial relationships have provided a deeper understanding.”
There is a paradox at the center of this Miss Racial Manners stuff. DiAngelo’s starting point, fundamental to the anti-racist movement, is that just about every instrument and extrusion of society and government was born in racism and perpetuates racially unequal outcomes. You cannot secede from race; you’re soaking in it. Therefore, it is incumbent on all good people to consciously disrupt those systems.
If it wasn’t the fact that this movement has already moved to be in between a business towards a racket, this person would have remained unknown and better for Society. She’s really nothing more than a High Priestess of Guilt (denomination of “Give me your Benjamins to tell you how bad you are – you weaklings!”).
But there is ALSO movements all of over the country resisting the Left’s continued march through the ramparts of OUR Society:
A new organization called Free to Learn has been set up to combat “woke” education. Its mission, in part:
The Free to Learn Coalition advocates for classrooms independent of political influence. We do this by partnering with parent and community groups that are ready to take on political activism at their school. We provide tailored coaching, local support, planning, and resources to counter the unique challenges within a community.
While the U.S. continues to fall behind other nations in basic skills like reading, writing, math, and science, the most important decisions regarding a student’s education are being made by school administrators behind closed doors and are increasingly influenced by political activists…There is also an unfortunate trend of schools changing or eliminating merit-based, accelerated learning programs. Dismantling such programs ensures that the only students who will excel long term are those who can afford a private education, tutoring, or specialized extracurricular programs.Schools should be free of curriculum and programs driven by political activists, and instead make space for children to do what they do best – learn, grow, and create.
One of their videos:
- I think this is starting to take hold as well:
According to the establishment media, critical race theory is a distraction. It is a right-wing smear. It is a conservative attempt to quash the dark side of American history. Most of all, according to the establishment media, you must never—ever—pay attention to the infusion of critical race theory into the nation’s institutions of power. According to MSNBC’s Chuck Todd, controversy over critical race theory is a “creation … It keeps people watching or it keeps people clicking.” According to CNN’s Bakari Sellers, [critical race theory] is just “America’s history.” According to The Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart, those who criticize critical race theory are merely attempting to prevent “us from learning our history.”
Critical race theory, of course, is not America’s actual history. It is a perverse worldview, unsupportable by the evidence, in which all of America’s key institutions are inextricably rooted in white supremacy; it is an activist campaign demanding the destruction of those institutions. The founders of critical race theory have written as much.
…Critical race theory therefore holds that racism is embedded deeply in American life, unconsciously into white American psyches, and that it is impossible for white Americans to understand their own racism or that of the system, let alone to remove it.
The only solution: tearing away the only systems that have ever provided widespread liberty and prosperity. As fellow critical race theory founder Derrick Bell wrote, “The whole liberal worldview of private rights and public sovereignty mediated by the rule of law needed to be exploded.”
In other words, destruction of all of American Society. Yeah, we know what would happen next. It’s by Ben Shapiro so it would be worth your time.
- Is this a Freudian Slip or a realization that the racket’s jig is up? For years, Henry Rogers (aka Ibrahm Kendi) said if you aren’t an “anti-racist”, you’re racist:
“Do you believe that white Americans are inherently racist?” Joy Reid asked, host of MSNBC’s Reid Out.
“Oh, I do not,” Kendi said. “How to be an anti-racist, I make the case that we shouldn’t believe that anyone is inherently racist or that we should identify anyone as a racist.”However, Ibram X. Kendi’s statement to Reid completely contradicts the comments he has said in the past regarding his anti-racist teachings.
In a past interview on CBS This Morning, Kendi said that it’s critical for white people to stop denying that their racist.
“You’ve said that to end white privilege, you have to, you have to deal with racism first, right?” the CBS host asked Kendi.
ADVERTISEMENT“Yeah. And I mean, as Robin talked about it, it is critical for white people, for people in general, to stop denying their racist ideas. To stop denying the ways in which policies have benefited them. To stop denying their racism and to realize that actually the heartbeat of racism itself is denial and the sound of that heartbeat is I’m not racist,” Ibram X. Kendi continued, statements clearly contradict his interview with Joy Reid.
- That IS the point – destroying the knowledge of our American History to change the present and control the future:
Bryan Preston: From the National Archives to the Alamo, Is There Any Stopping the Woke Campaign to Destroy Our History? “The arguments the wokesters make are at once historically inaccurate — wildly so, in many cases — dishonest, and tedious. They often fail to stand up to even the most basic logic or fact tests. They are simple-minded to the point of being childish.”
And it doesn’t matter if it is CRT in which your children are being groomed to be Racists or being groomed to be what they physically can never be:
- WE ALL KNOW: EXPERTS WOULDN’T PUSH YOU TO A HASTY, ILL-INFORMED DECISION: Parents speak out about the ‘rush’ to reassign the gender of their kids.
It’s time for the adults to come home. It’s time for the parents to take charge. It might or might not be time to tar and feather the “experts.” At this point, it couldn’t hurt.
And yes, it IS time to bully the experts as they are bullying our kids!
BRING IT! The group that was all about stopping kids being “bullied” is willing to do the same (and worse) that oppose them w/regard Critical Race in Schools. If this won’t convince you that the NEA and AFT are merely Political Parties in their right, you’ve not been paying attention:
“NEA will research the organizations attacking educators doing anti-racist work and/or use the research already done and put together a list of resources and recommendations for state affiliates, locals, and individual educators to utilize when they are attacked,” the measure reads on NEA’s website.
“The research, resources, and recommendations will be shared with members through NEA’s social media, an article in NEA Today, and a recorded virtual presentation/webinar.”
If this sounds like something straight out of the days of McCarthyism, it is because that is exactly what this is. The NEA wants to purge opposition to critical race theory now that parents have been awakened to what is being taught to their children, especially white children. Parents are rising up at school board meetings across the country to protest the school lessons that often pit white children against black and brown children. The psychological damage being done to white children in classrooms over racial injustices and grievances in our country’s past – being taught that white people are inherently racist- will soon come back to bite us.
And remember, the flip side of Whites being Racists is that Blacks and other minorities are too Stupid to care for themselves without the “gentle hands” of White Progressives. So if this country erupts in a Race War, you’ll know who target – the local union leaders carrying out their leaders’ missives. Confront them over this – put them on the spot in public.
And for the NEA / AFT, who the HECK do they think they have the Power to tell We the Parents (and their employers) how things are to go in the classroom?
From now one, they’re just the Educational Mafia (“nice kid you have there – shame we’re going to convert them in front of you”). Just like the Gays.
The overall message here is THEY don’t think you matter. At all. They are now your Masters – do what you’re told or we’ll poison your kids against you.
Naw, they won’t do that – they already ARE.