I Bet 99.9% Don’t Know This Law: “No Teacher Shall Advocate Communism as a Political Doctrine..”

by Skip

While NOT quite the same as “overthrow by force” isn’t what the Left, especially the NEA, the AFT, and the teachers who have signed up to teach doctrine that would overthrow our Republic be subject to this?

Section 191:1

191:1 Advocacy of Subversive Doctrines Prohibited. – No teacher shall advocate communism as a political doctrine or any other doctrine which includes the overthrow by force of the government of the United States or of this state in any public or state approved school or in any state institution. Source. 1949, 312:1, eff. July 28, 1949.

Words are more deadly than firearms over the long run. If you doubt me, turn around and look at how the words of Karl Marx have infiltrated our education system.

Related: 1949 When Americans Knew Something About Divisive Political Doctrines

What used to be good – capitalism, Rugged Individualism, Free Speech, Freedom of Worship, Constitution, Limited Government, work ethic, proper English, personal responsibility, Follow the Law and a whole host of other “microaggressions- is now bad. What used to be bad – breaking the Law, assault, theft/shoplifting, defecating in the streets, destruction of private property, taking away of Parental Rights, teaching students to hate this country – are now to be praised.

But what teacher is willing to break THIS law – a case could be made that HB2 has now put a large STOP sign in this – unless, of course, those 50 teachers here in NH that Steve caught are willing to actually go to jail. Are they willing to lose their teaching credentials at the very least? Lose their jobs?

And our favorite: us writing about them so as to have them appear on Google’s front page with our stories. We’ve done that before – with great success!

Is this the hill to die on?

If so, that could happen if that is what is desired – in the figurative sense, of course.

(H/T: Brian)

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