Teacher’s Union Goes To War with America

Steve MacDonald

Back in 2012, we poked fun at the American Federation of Teachers. They’d sent out a pre-election survey to candidates. Twenty-Five questions, and not one of them was about children or education. Power and money. That was their agenda. And here comes the NEA a decade later.

And I’m not saying the NEA hasn’t been doing the same thing for as long or longer. But they’re having their annual Commie klan-bake in Common-sense Gun-Laws Chicago, lining up resolutions to define what matters to them the most. We don’t know them all, but the ones we’ve heard about are not unlike the ATF New Hampshire survey in 2012. They are about political power, propaganda, and control.

Control of your children.

Right out of the gate, they’d like mandatory masking and COVID19 vaccination of all children. None of which they need. Talk about a great reason to just say no. They won’t let your kid attend so instant homeschooler. Not my fault. The Marxists running the government schools have invalidated my first amendment right to religious conscience.

Next up, in no particular order, a ban on the words mother and father (please refer to them as birthing or non-birthing parent). The right to develop your own sexual identity – by which they mean the one the government chooses and convinces you is yours. There’s something in there about teacher autonomy – but only as long as that autonomy aligns with the dictates of the NEA. OHG, and no more men, well, not many of them.


“NEA is a social justice union that is a majority female and trans and gender non-confirming folx,” one NBI says, calling to “publicly stand in defense of abortion” and calling abortion limits an attack on “students, families, and communities.”


No big deal. Finding a heterosexual male teacher under the age of 35 is probably about as common as evidence of Bigfoot. We’ve had sightings but nothing conclusive.

There’s also a New Busines Initiative (NBI) to ensure remote propagandizing to anyone who is disabled and wants it. As if the raft of streaming services available to most homes with the internet isn’t propping up the agenda enough. Wouldn’t want to let some wheelchair-bound 7-year-old boy with cancer slip through the gender-reassignment cracks.

I know he’s only got a few years left to live, but he should live them as a girl, and if you don’t let him, we’ll have child and family services at your door.

No word on whether anything is going on at the Klanbake related to teaching children valuable skills (other than protesting and personal pronoun use), but when was the NEA or the AFT ever in the business of education? Their gig uses educators to advance the Marxist agenda of Democrat Socialism no matter how badly it turns out for the children or anyone else.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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