Happy Labor Day? - Granite Grok

Happy Labor Day?

BLM, Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois

Today unions representing millions of workers are threatening to authorize strikes. Those strikes are not for better wages. They have nothing to do with working conditions. The strikes are not even for the union members. They are in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and social justice.

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Labor leaders representing teachers, autoworkers, truck drivers, and clerical staff are running amuck. They are issuing statements signaling a willingness to escalate protest tactics. Look there are times when unions should strike. There are also times when they harm their own membership in doing so. This is one of the times when they are going to do more harm than good.

The threat

The unions involved say walkouts would last indefinitely, if they were to move forward with them. Members control unions. They should consider what the threatened action is for and what it may cost them personally. Here’s part of their statement:

“The status quo — of police killing Black people, of armed white nationalists killing demonstrators, of millions sick and increasingly desperate — is clearly unjust, and it cannot continue… They remind us that when we strike to withhold our labor, we have the power to bring an unjust status quo to a grinding halt… We echo the call to local and federal government to divest from the police, to redistribute the stolen wealth of the billionaire class, and to invest in what our people need to live in peace, dignity, and abundance: universal health care and housing, public jobs programs and cash assistance, and safe working conditions,”

It was signed by several branches of the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and affiliates of the National Education Association (NEA). These are strike prone unions. Love ‘em or hate ‘em they are aggressive. The question this year is what is Happy Labor Day going to cost? And who’s going to pay?
