School Teacher Indoctrination

Notable Quote – Blame It on the Democrats That Blacks Can’t Spel

If the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan wanted to sabotage black academic excellence, he could not find a more effective means to do so than the government school system in most cities. -Prof. Walter Williams (Black Americans and liberty) Doubt him?  If you are angry at that, or the title, start reviewing the … Read more

black lives matter violence

Black Lives Matter Doesn’t Care about Most Black Lives

Of course black lives matter; all lives matter.  So why are people condemned and fired for saying, “All Lives Matter”?  Because “Black Lives Matter” is a term used to advance the far left “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) political movement.

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How to stop living in fear

Tyranny Begins Small

According to the Washington Times over the weekend there was a civil disturbance in Dayton Ohio. Dayton is a small city of about 140,000 people west of Columbus. It is a county seat slightly larger than Manchester. Mobilization against the threat: The Washington Times story estimated the city’s cost at $650K including personnel, contracts and … Read more

Democrat Dover New Hampshire has a KKK Problem

If you missed the news a teacher got put on paid leave after some students sang a KKK song. The Class was exploring Reconstruction and the founding of the Klan (By Democrats, by the way) after the Civil War. The student jingle was not appropriate for any room let alone a classroom. But nothing that would get … Read more

Chains, children, shackle, slave

Another Thing Hitler and Democrats Have in Common

One of the issues with slavery from the founding of the nation (leading up to and past the civil war) is that there was a class of persons who did not believe or could not be convinced that their slaves were human beings. In their eyes, they were not people, so the idea of granting them rights made no sense.

Hitler took a similar stand with the Jews. They were inferior. As such they became scapegoats and a “question” resolved by genocide.

Now consider how Democrats justify abortion.

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