Quick Thought – this reminded me of the NH Democrats and Ray Buckley’s dilemma

by Skip

Too good not to use almost entirely:

SHOT: It just wasn’t all that long ago, was it, that Northam was caught in blackface / KKK costume and doing / saying other stupid things

va_dems_want to cancel VA Gov Northam

They couldn’t get rid of him fast enough

CHASER: Oopsies! With the other Democrats in line to take his place having their own PC Meltdowns and being at risk, they decided Northam was ok because a Republican would have become Governor after the initial Democrat successors would have had to resign. And SO!


From zero to hero in a flash!

HANGOVER: Meanwhile, back in NH…an obsession about sex and Political Correctness?

  • Take 1: NH Democrat Party annual fundraiser Jefferson-Jackson Dinner (“men who had slaves!”)
  • Take 2: NH Democrat Party annual fundraiser: Kennedy-Clinton Dinner (“men who had sex slaves?”)
  • Take 2b: NH Democrat Party annual fundraiser: Weiner-Weinstein Dinner (oh, wait, never mind….)
  • Take 3: NH Democrat Party annual fundraiser: McIntyre-Shaheen Dinner

Well, other than helping to screw up our healthcare systems (NH, then US), she seems nice…the previous three pairings were…oh, you know.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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