A Reminder: The Difference Between “Equality” and “Equity”…

by Skip

I wish more people really understood the difference between the two as I believe it is one of the most pernicious uses of the Left’s “redefining our Common Language out from underneath us all.”

“Equity” is a term chosen because it sounds kind of like “equality,” which Americans support. But it means the opposite of equality. Equality constrains authorities by forcing them to treat everyone the same.

The whole point of “equity” is to break authorities free of that constraint, so that they can favor those they wish to favor, and disfavor those they wish to punish.

And we know that the Left is all about punishment and revenge for questioning them, committing the “sin” of disobeying their philosophy or attempting to show that their Narrative(s) on the issues are wrong.

Our American ideal is that everyone is equal before the law and that our Founding Fathers designed a system in which no one was any better with respect to Government than anyone else. Yes, it hasn’t always worked out that way, but our system has, many times, self-corrected itself.

The move by the Left to insert “equity” and, when possible, supplant “equality” altogether is being done to:

  • Allow them to be intolerant towards anyone they deem to be “problematic” or “disposable.”
  • Legally give them the means to pick winners and losers AND THEN share either the spoils of controlling government or punish “the Others.”

In short, bring back Discrimination after a century and a half of America trying to erase it. Not just using Race (they being the Party of Slavery, KKK, and Jim Crow – which they are now trying to rewrite history (shades of Soviet Union’s Communism of “he who controls the past controls the present; he who controls present controls the future”). Along with “protected classes,” it will result in a tiered American Society – exactly what our Founding Fathers fought against.

I keep wondering: when will the run-of-the-mill folks realize this?

Note about the image at the top: I don’t think the artist realizes what he was doing when it was done.

I’m betting that it was supposed to show that if Government treats everyone “equally” (the number of boxes under each child), there are still some that will never succeed at a task (here, writing on the board in the left frame). However, the rightmost frame shows what actually happens:

  • Look at the number of boxes under each child in the leftmost frame
  • Notice the height that one of them can reach in the leftmost one

See the result of redistributing (by the Government agent, the teacher)? Yep, the redistribution of boxes has created the “equity of outcome,” – but different kids are treated differently and completely implements “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”  Certainly, the image shows the “from” part in how Government will react to implementing “equity” – those that are capable of doing more will have things taken from them. Simply because they can do and be more – how is that fair?

And what is taken from him, in this case, is given to another – but only in part, as the smallest child only got one box from the two that the tallest child had in the beginning.

And now EVERYONE is now operating at the lowest (artificially) common level. After all, no one can be any better than anyone else, right?

Oh, that “missing” box? As we have seen, “equity” will result in Government deciding all things – including “skimming off the top” from those most capable for themselves instead of a complete redistribution.

Oh wait, isn’t this happening now?

Remember, too, what Hillary Clinton famously said:

“We’re going to take things away from you” – Hillary Clinton, June 2004

Bernie Sanders approved the message (except he’s still reneging on giving up two of his valuable homes for “the common good”). Neither has Hillary.  But we’re supposed to be all happy as they take stuff from we common folks.

(H/T: Instapundit)


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