Facebook Doodlings – And this is how Progressives think about those that voted (or will vote) for Trump

by Skip

Papa Smurf was correct – keep THEM talking, and talking….and then talking some more.  Keep asking them. In one way or another to keep them talking – it can be great fun. (Yes, phrasing an answer to elicit another response isn’t “response-baiting,” it just “keeping a conversation going”).

Now, you can’t go and see this stuff. It was in a closed “political group.” And the post was deleted by the moderator (and understandably so). But I scraped it and (as always!) have all of the email notifications for all the responses.

Given that it is gone, and it being an excellent “Object Lesson” (as I learned in Sunday School), I’m putting up the relevant points (in a couple/few posts) to really expose what I believe is an excellent example of the vindictive Progressive mindset.

Let me start at the beginning; I believe that the image above pretty much smears half the country. I really don’t have any better explanation than….oh wait, I DO! And just the same as what Steve pointed out – doxxing those that disagree with the Progressive mindset. In this case it isn’t a sitting Congressman. Joaquin Castro pointed out who the Trump supporters are in his town (as his brother is now running for President). This is a Progressive from Nashua, Sonia Prince.

Her words were attached to the image above (emphasis mine):

Want to keep our community safe? Identify the people who support hateful racist dictators like Trump, who incite violence and mass shootings! Stands up to hate! Be the hero, when no one else will; and weed out the bad seeds in the community. Dont tolerate these toxic fools who want to control & destroy peaceful communities. Kids are more important; These MAGA fools are not role models for our children. Expose them and their hateful values to the community, identify who’s hiding white hoods or red Trump hats in their closets. Good will win over evil. #nhpolitics

Ah yes, a form of ethnic cleansing – something we have seen often in history in Socialist/Communist countries either based on ethnicity or religion.  Now she wants it on a political basis. But she has made it QUITE clear – Trump is EVIL. Anyone that supports/voted for/will vote for/sympathetic to Trump is EVIL – and must be eliminated. For all their surface-level talk of love, diversity, and inclusion (for there is no higher level of inclusion than including those who disagree with you, that nuance seems to have escaped her and most of her political kinfolks/comrade).

Of COURSE, it begged a response, so I gave one:

 @Sonia – thanks for what many of us on the Right have already figured out – anyone who doesn’t agree with those on the Left is a racist, homophobobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, Deplorable, Irredeemable, redneck, fascist, uneducated, knuckledragging Neanderthal bigot. There folks, did I miss any other “polite modifiers” that are commonly hurled at us under the rubric of the Left’s outward appearing of “Diversity and Inclusion”?

and added:

So now that I’ve tried to get all those words out of the way, plus your Nazi epithet, I hope you’re feeling just splendid about yourself, Sonia Prince, for isn’t that the end point of being a Progressive? Just raw emotions? And an overhealthy sense of self-esteem and self-righteous appointment of being the Morality Police?

Please, just keep talking, and talking, and talking….

I knew that would get an answer – they hate being challenged in this manner and on this topic; I WASN’T disappointed.

To Be Continued…


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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