Another Lousy Deal For America, Brought To You By John Kerry

It seems that any meeting between President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping inevitably presents another opportunity to render the U.S. increasingly reliant on China for its energy security. This week’s meetings at the APEC conference in a suddenly cleaned-up San Francisco were no exception. (RELATED: DAVID BLACKMON: What Does China Know That The Biden Admin Doesn’t?) … Read more

Things Botox Can’t Fix or Hide

There are growing concerns about the appearance of John Kerry, one of the Democratic Party’s premier politruks, former presidential standard bearer, George W. Bush’s burr under the saddle, and Joe Biden’s Climate Tsar, er, without portfolio.

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Sen. Cruz Issues Statement Regarding Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Presentation on Iran’s Nuclear Program


HOUSTON, Texas – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued a statement following Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s revelations about Iran’s nuclear program:

“Today’s stunning revelations by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu powerfully demonstrate why the Obama Iran nuclear deal is not just unfixable, but truly catastrophic. The Prime Minister’s presentation was remarkable—unprecedented—and worth watching in full. Through extraordinary intelligence operations, Israeli agents captured over 100,000 secret documents and files from Iran. These Iranian documents prove that (1) for two decades, Iran has conducted a clandestine nuclear weapons program; (2) Iran lied repeatedly, and brazenly, denying that secret program; (3) the Obama nuclear deal was predicated on that edifice of lies; and (4) Iran is today in violation of that deal.

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Treaties, Irony, and Gun Rights – Oh My!

When second or third world Muslim Freedom fighters want to overthrow a controlling oppressive government, the Obama administration is Johnny-on-the-spot with…well…guns; other peoples money for guns or training in the use of guns, or some such thing.  But when American citizens want to exercise their second amendment right to lawful gun ownership (at their own expense) as a long term deterrent to the potential threat of a controlling and oppressive government, Obama and the Democrats want to do everything and anything they can to make that exercise as difficult as possible, if not impossible.

So yes, you need guns in pursuit of liberty and freedom from controlling oppressive regimes just not this one.

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