John Kerry: Ocasio-Cortez has Offered More Leadership Than Trump on this Issue

John Kerry has high-praise for the Neiman-Marxist. During testimony before Congress he declared that “Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez has in fact offered more leadership in one day or one week than President Trump has in his lifetime on this subject,” Kerry said.

What subject?

Climate change, of course. CNS reports that,

Kerry was responding to a question from Rep. James Comer (R.-Ky.) about the methods that have been suggested for paying for Ocasio-Cortez’s proposed Green New Deal.

Kerry countered by asking the congressman “where is your proposal” for dealing with climate change.

He might as asked, “well what’s your proposal for dealing with unicorns goring homeless gnomes?” 

Can we shorten that up and call them the gnomeless? You know, like Brangelina? or are they a protected identity group?

Are Democrats going to be submitting legislation to protect the rights of climate-stressed trans-gnomes access to taxpayer-funded abortion affordable health care?

I imagine that being gored by a unicorn could be pretty painful. And I know that the culture being Gore-d by Al’s delusional search for relevance has cost us billions.

For those of you who refuse to accept those analogies, here’s my answer for “dealing with climate change.” When it rains, I keep an umbrella handy. When it snows I wear boots and a warm coat. In the summer, I prefer shorts and a t-shirt with a spot of sunscreen if I plan to be outdoors for a while.

And having endured nearly 3 decades of your power-grabbing-socialist fantasy to use the weather to seize more power for yourselves, I can say my prescriptions continue to be the best, most affordable “solutions” to “the problem” of climate change.

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