Islamic Basics.

Why Does Islam Stay Around?

Islam is a theocracy. It is not truly a religion. A better description is a worldview or a civilization view. There is a religious component, a requirement for submission as an act of faith. The basis of its exercise is the use of police power accompanying Sharia, which is a legal code.

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Not Stupid… But Very Ignorant

The media should be holding Ocasio-Cortez accountable. She continues her string of profoundly ignorant and hateful statements. She makes her pronouncements often. If she were conservative, male, older, or less photogenic she would be mercilessly pilloried. But the media are no where to be found, they are not doing so. What should we conclude from … Read more

Another Grok Article Miz Schmidt Probably Does Not Want to Read

Nashua Ward 1 Democrat Jan Schmidt claimed in a recent Facebook post that “several reps from Merrimack now have police protection because of the hate grog has whipped up – for absolutely no reason.”   A pretty serious assertion…and because I have some experience being the recipient of the physical expression of Democrat political “hate”, … Read more


When Office Holders Embrace Hate

It is widely reported that Congresswomen Omar and Tlaib have been appearing at fundraising and speaking engagements for the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR was named by the U.S. Department of Justice as an unindicted co-conspirator in its prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation and for providing support to the terrorist group Hamas. … Read more

Why Did Rep. Omar Get A Pass For Anti-Semitism?

Why do you ask? The Minnesota Democrat congresswoman has been in office since January. In that time she has piled up an impressive record of anti-Semitic utterances. Most recently she accused American Jews of dual loyalties. The House was set to pass a resolution that condemned Omar for her stream of anti-Semitic speech and hatred … Read more

The First thing That Comes to Mind When Democrats Denounce Maxine Waters

Red Hen Restaurant VirginaYesterday I reported (again) on the lack of civility and false civility among far-left Democrats. The most recent examples are protesters driving Sarah Huckabee Sanders out of a restaurant followed by Maxine Waters suggesting the left make a habit of this anywhere they find members of Trump’s team.

Nothing new, except perhaps the honesty about what they’ve always wanted and for which they continue to strive.

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Has the Professional Left Silenced You? They Will if You Dare to Disagree

Conservatives vs ProgressivesDemocrats don’t know what they don’t know and they only have themselves to blame.

Why are so many Democrats shocked when a Republican is elected president? Because, as they themselves say, they “don’t know anyone” who voted for the Republican. The primary reason for this is the people in their life who voted for Donald Trump — professional colleagues, and even friends and relatives — are afraid to tell them.

Sadly, this treatment works in a much broader sense to advance liberal narratives and often promote progressive policies, especially at the local level “where get out the vote” means find ways to keep your opposition at home, so they win by default.

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The tolerance of cultural Marxism in the Academy? Does not go far, it seems

by Skip

Institutions of higher learning, at least when I was there 30 40 years ago, they were hotbeds of discourse, ideas, and ideologies.  You had a stand – you took it, you said it, and you defended it.  Others did the same.  At the time, even if they didn’t listen, they at least gave you the time. Nowadays, Political Correctness (aka Cultural Marxism) has taken over the Academy.  How DARE you be a Conservative AND believe in God – you are a traitor to the Movement (and an evil person too!).  It is no longer enough to no longer give the opposite side time – in fact, press the pedal to the metal: there is a zero tolerance for The Other among those on campus. The Classic Western Liberalism that drove the Academy for centuries has turned into the same intolerable Illiberalism that Progressivism has brought to America (emphasis mine):

America’s great universities continue to be bastions of intolerance. They profess to prize “diversity,” which in practice means that everybody must believe the same things. The blog has the story of how the Northwestern University Student Senate refused to allow student Stephen Piotrkowski to become vice president of diversity and inclusion because he admits to being a white heterosexual male.

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Palate Cleanser (?) – Famous Vegan Eating Meat Again

Alex Jamieson was a vegan for 12 years, appeared in the movie Super-Size me, and has been a well-regarded prominent voice in–they actually have this–the vegan community, but she recently discovered that her body was asking her for things she was not providing.  Animal protein.  So she began adding it slowly back into her diet, … Read more

Univ RI Professor Erik Loonis- Oops, Sorry, He Spells it Loomis

Erik Loomis Univ RI goes on a twitter rantThere is so much hate and vulgarity spewing from the Twitter account of University or Rhode Island professor Erik Loomis that I am reluctant to post any of it here.  But I have no objection to you going here to see for yourself.

Let me just prepare you.  University professor.  Anti second amendment.  Newtown.  Hate.  Anger.  Vulgarity. Beaten to death. NRA. Wayne La Pierre.  Head on a stick.  etc, etc.

Commenter Jason provided the phone number to the College “Please contact the president of the college here: 401-874-2444.”

It sounds like a lot of people have been calling.  No reason to stop now.

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Kill Mitt Romney…The Facebook Page

Joshua Scott Albert must be pining for some attention.  He just put up a Kill Mitt Romney Facebook Page. Albert is known for putting up pages in support of cop killers, and otherwise pretending to be ‘edgy’ under the guise of getting peoples attention. I’m a big fan of edgy, and pushing the envelope, but … Read more

NH Democrats Painted Into A Racist Corner?

…given that the super-majority of people casting ballots in the (Democrat) primary contest will be white, will voting against Joann Dowdell in the Democrat primary be considered racist, or will voting for her be be considered racist?

Inane Jane-ane Gar ‘awful’ oh

Janeane Garofalo should have her own breakfast cereal.   It would have to come in a small, narrow box.  We’d call it Gar ‘Awful" Oh’s, and it would come with the bitter taste of guilt.  Left wing guilt.  Guilt that makes you say and do incredibly stupid things.  Because that is who and what Gar-awful-oh is, the poster child of this inanity about racism.

People like Karl Rove liked to keep the racism very covert. And so Herman Cain provides this great opportunity say you can say ‘Look, this is not a racist, anti-immigrant, anti-female, anti-gay movement. Look we have a black man.

Sound like projection?

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