The tolerance of cultural Marxism in the Academy? Does not go far, it seems

by Skip

Institutions of higher learning, at least when I was there 30 40 years ago, they were hotbeds of discourse, ideas, and ideologies.  You had a stand – you took it, you said it, and you defended it.  Others did the same.  At the time, even if they didn’t listen, they at least gave you the time. Nowadays, Political Correctness (aka Cultural Marxism) has taken over the Academy.  How DARE you be a Conservative AND believe in God – you are a traitor to the Movement (and an evil person too!).  It is no longer enough to no longer give the opposite side time – in fact, press the pedal to the metal: there is a zero tolerance for The Other among those on campus. The Classic Western Liberalism that drove the Academy for centuries has turned into the same intolerable Illiberalism that Progressivism has brought to America (emphasis mine):

America’s great universities continue to be bastions of intolerance. They profess to prize “diversity,” which in practice means that everybody must believe the same things. The blog has the story of how the Northwestern University Student Senate refused to allow student Stephen Piotrkowski to become vice president of diversity and inclusion because he admits to being a white heterosexual male.

One student senator asked Piotrkowski how he could possibly interact with and serve a minority community. Piotrkowski pleaded that he is a “religious minority” and has a lesbian sister, but apparently that was not enough. A student on the Associated Student Government Diversity and Inclusion Committee explained why Piotrkowski could not be included, “The university is not ready, in any capacity, for a heterosexual white male to be in charge in any way of diversity and inclusion. I don’t know if any university is.

Diversity is only skin deep to these folks – but the hate goes through to the bone, for when true tolerance is pushed away, only the dregs of evil are left.  Like it or not, these are the “adults” that will be leading Society going forward – based on hatred?  Frankly, what I see above is racism.

Part of Cultural Marxism is the separation into distinct identity groups – and the absolute holding that the silos separating those groups can never be breeched or broached.  And that is how they can win – by isolating us from being Americans in toto and having us believe we are the few and only as good as the allow us to be in that group.

(H/T: Washington Examiner)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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