Does Hate Really Have No Home in Goffstown?

If you’ve driven through any part of Goffstown or Pinardville, you may have seen the “Hate has no home in Goffstown” signs. At first glance, they seem well-intentioned and a wonderful idea. But upon further investigation, they are actually breeding much hate and division within the community.

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Quaran Muslims Islam

Good Hate, Bad Love

“Love” is thought of as a virtue, while “hate” is considered a vice. But not all forms of love are good, and not all hates are bad. If you love to set buildings on fire, molest children, or steal, these are obviously bad loves. If you hate racism, sexism, or injustices of all sorts, then these are good hates.

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The Next Civil War

Liberals Don’t Understand the Terrifying Force of Death

by Skip

The Left may well find out what the answer will be to “Why didn’t we just leave them alone?”: I think that the backlash to Critical Race Theory is but a very small taste of what may be coming. The TEA Party was merely fighting against Obama and his ideological kin when The LightBringer ballooned … Read more

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris’s Anti-Catholic Bigotry

Kamala Harris’s anti-Catholic bigotry is just part of the baggage she brings. Kamala is now Joe Biden’s VP pick. Tap, tap, tap on Joe Biden’s shoulder. Hey Joe, your VP pick believes Catholics are unfit to serve in our nation’s courts. Joe, hey Joe, that’s religious bigotry.

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Tamara Meyer Le

Foul Mouthed Intolerance and Hate

House Republican Leader Dick Hinch issued a statement after reviewing a Facebook post by Rep. Tamara Le (D-North Hampton), where she says, “F**k private and religious schools.” Rep. Tamara Le is a member of the House Education Committee. The post has since been deleted, but a screenshot is attached.

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