Is it appropriate to teach in public schools that capitalism and fathers are racist? What ever happened to judging a man by the content of his character? There’s a dangerous bit of academic nonsense happening at the K-12 level of education.
A One America News Network anchor interviewed Mary Clare Amselem. Ms. Amselem is an education specialist at The Heritage Foundation. Their discussion centers on the California Department of Education’s proposal of an ethnic studies curriculum. The proposed ethnic studies curriculum teaches children that capitalism and father figures are racist.
Teaching anti-Semitism in public schools
The Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum includes anti-Israel bias. It teaches about a Palestinian led anti-Israel initiative called Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions. The curriculum also has students study issues of police brutality. It asks teachers to find incidents of bias by police in their own communities.
California’s proposed curriculum calls for students to study lawmakers: examples are Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. Both women have support the BDS movement and engage in anti-Semitic rhetoric. The examples are according to an article by Shelby Talcott in The Stream.
The proposed ethnic studies curriculum has been taken down from the California Department of Education website.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said, “While I am relieved that California made the obvious decision to revisit this wholly misguided proposal, we need to know why and how a blatantly anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, factually inaccurate curriculum made its way through the ranks of California’s Department of Education… his was not simply an oversight—the California Department of Education’s attempt to institutionalize anti-Semitism is not only discriminatory and intolerant, it’s dangerous.”
Brainwashing our youngsters is a serious matter. The people responsible for the California Department of Education’s proposal should face termination. We should not be teaching hatred in public schools. What does it tell us when the state department of education develops curriculum teaching kids capitalism and fathers are racist?