Progressives: Removing yet another Stigma brick from the Wall that protects Society


Wait… Now We’re Talking About Decriminalizing Intentional HIV Transmission?

Should it be a crime to knowingly expose someone to HIV without disclosing it?

Most sane people would say yes. But a widely panned Vox article published this week said that state laws making it a crime to not disclose your HIV status “have only increased stigma and abuse.” And apparently, many 2020 Democrats agree with this ludicrous, insane point of view.

Society’s tools to protect itself used to be Stigma and Shame. Both were to used by Society at large to stop bad behavior within its ranks by social pressure.  They were meant to enforce long standing standards and norms of how people were to behave within Society without the use of external laws.  It was a given that people knew what Right and Wrong were, what was Good vs Bad, and that if you violated those public norms

Steve’s post on this here but I’m taking a different tack on the “decriminalization of – Stigma.  We’ve all seen the pronouncements: we have to take away the stigma of being a single mother. We have to take away the stigma of being an alcoholic (and call them captive to a disease). We have to take away the stigma of being an addict (and give them safe spaces to inject themselves with free needles).  We have to take away the stigma of being an illegal alien (and call them undocumented residents). We have to take away the stigma of being a felon (and call them “justice involved people”. We have to take away the stigma of illiterate students (and the stigma of failing schools). We have to take away the stigma of being poor (and take from other involuntarily to give to them). We have to take away the stigma of being indolent and lazy (having seen my full share of them while running my former daycare). We have to take away the stigma of being a low level thief (and California law now “protects” them by not arresting / prosecuting them. Polyamory must be made “normalized”, along with pedophilia.

I could go on and on.  Instead, traditional marriage is stigmatized and those speaking for it are stigmatized as homophobic bigots. Those who believe that illegal aliens should go back and follow our laws are shamed for being xenophobic. Those who believe that working hard, delaying gratification, the American dream are stigmatized for “whiteness” and called racists even as they can’t change that immutable condition of their skin color. Those that believe in God and His Principles are religious bigots and ready at the drop of a Bible to discriminate based on trying to hold on to their belief system and the Freedom of Expression.

And trying to defend all of that and more makes you a hateful person spewing hate speech (and in my case, a hate blogger, as Jake Maxwell from Gilford called me at the last Gilford School Board meeting).  Hate – the rubric under which the Left is using to reverse all that Society used to value and turning them in negatives.

Stigma – it used to be Society’s self-defense mechanism. Now it’s just yet another tool in the Democrat agenda and propaganda machine. Having transmogrified it, the only one rational answer to it is:Up Yours.

(h/t: Hot Air)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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