100 Years of Being Treated Like George Floyd, For What?

One thing that did not get defunded after the George Floyd/BLM Summer of Love was cop shows. There is no shortage of police or detective dramas extolling the intellectual agility of some quirky investigator with a physical or social disability. Or a team of racially and sexually diverse members who adroitly unravel complex conspiracies ripe … Read more

Brittney_Griner_3 Lorie Shaull Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

Brittney Griner May End up in a Russian Labor Camp

One of the problems with being the party of “Democracy,” as Democrats claim they are, is mob rule. Democracy is the tyranny of the 50.01%. That’s why we live in a Republic which Democrats hate. They’d rather be more like China (or Russia), and speaking of Russia, Britney Griner might be in for more trouble.

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USA Stressed Flag Cracks

What Do You Believe and Why Do You Believe It?

What did the pledge of their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor mean to the founders? Is the era; are the people of the era which created the foundation of the United States of America inconsequential? That is what the 1619 project, the media and much of academia would have us believe.

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Red Flags

“My Kingdom for Some Facts”

A couple of recent topics have puzzled me.

Item 1. It has been reported that Governor Sununu vetoed HB 687. In the Laconia Daily Sun, Ms. Ramer calls it “the so-called ‘red flag’ bill” in her piece.

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Zandra Rice Hawkins

Democrat City Councilor Decides that Laws are for the Little People

Progressives (and those with something to hide) have got to “Progress.” In this case, Zandra Rice-Hawkins, City Councilor in Concord, and the Exec. Director of the out-of-state-funded Granite State Progress (who seeks to “fundamentally transform” New Hampshire) decided that Laws are for the little people.

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Defund the Police

Defund Police

“Defund the Police,” is a now a mainstream moniker. Minneapolis now has a veto-proof majority in city government to scrap the entire police department. The problem is they have no plan to replace the police with an alternative.

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