Rebranding: Quaker Oats Should have Replaced Aunt Jemima with ‘Uncle’ George

The #Woke Left’s obsession with erasing minorities continues apace. The folks at Quaker Oats announced last year that the iconic image of Aunt Jemima would disappear from the brand’s packaging, and it’s official. They have rebranded the product line.

Related: Aunt Jemima Joins Mia the Indian Maiden on the “Unemployment Line”

The move came after riots broke out over the overdose death (in police custody) of George Floyd.

When Quaker announced their plans, I thought I had come up with a meaningful and very #woke compromise.

Given recent events, perhaps she should be replaced with an unmasked gang-banger wielding a Molotov cocktail? Or, how about one of the militant lesbian founders of Black Lives Matters, the cop-hating anarchists pushing both political and cultural Marxism?

Black Syrup Matters!

How about Aunt Jamal, the transwoman atheist Social Justice Warrier?


Quaker Oats must have ‘missed’ that. They have opted to replace Aunt Jemima with “Pearl Mining Company.” Pearl what?


“While the name on the box has changed, the great tasting products – the “pearl” inside the familiar red box – remains the same, with a mission to create joyful breakfast moments for everyone,” the company said on its website.


aunt-jemima-rebrand pearl mining compnay

That sounds like a lot of inside-baseball that no one outside “the inside” will understand. As such, I predict a noticeable decline in sales after the June packaging change.

Not as bad a mistake as Gillettes #woke advertising nightmare. P&G wrote off at least eight billion, and the brand continues to bleed out like a persistent shaving cut.

Aunt Jemima’s departure won’t be as brutal to sales, but I think Quaker Oats and Parent, Pepsi CO. should reconsider before they press ‘print’ on the new packaging.

Uncle George (Floyd). In honor of the career criminal and drug addict. They adopted him for everything else. Why not this? Sure, George liked Fentanyl, and I don’t think you can tell anyone that’s in there. But you’d sure as heck honor his memory and sell pancake mix and syrup faster than TP at the beginning of a fake pandemic.

Donate some of the proceeds to the Black Lesbian Marxists (BLM). Maybe they let you stay in business and not demand the jizyah to avoid future “peaceful” protests.

“Uncle George” would be easy to market. My head hurts. Here have a waffle; fix you right up. Dang, we’re out of mix again?

Or how about ‘Hands Up Don’t Shoot.’ That never happened, but if you put it on a box with a picture of career criminal Michael Brown, nobody would know what it was or buy that either.

Just like ‘Pearl Mining Company.’


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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