Steve Negron Calls on Ann Kuster to Return Campaign Donation from Maxine Waters

Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 26, 2018 Contact: Roger Wilkins, 603-864-8633 Steve Negron calls on Ann Kuster to Return Campaign Donation from Maxine Waters “Comments like those made by Congresswoman Waters are disrespectful, unacceptable, and downright dangerous.” Earlier this week, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D, CA-43) made incredibly inflammatory comments at a rally that … Read more

The First thing That Comes to Mind When Democrats Denounce Maxine Waters

Yesterday I reported (again) on the lack of civility and false civility among far-left Democrats. The most recent examples are protesters driving Sarah Huckabee Sanders out of a restaurant followed by Maxine Waters suggesting the left make a habit of this anywhere they find members of Trump’s team. Nothing new, except perhaps the honesty about … Read more

Maxine Waters – Obama didn’t Get Rid of Bush-era U.S. Attorneys Fast Enough

FLASHBACK: Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) complained Pres. Obama didn't rid of Bush-era U.S. attorneys fast enough — FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) March 13, 2017 Maxine Waters: “As we understand it, the protocol has been that U.S. attorneys hand in their resignations and would give the new administration an opportunity to make new appointments, we … Read more

The Trans-justice Case Against Trump

Since the very first days Donald Trump won the 2016 election his political enemies, once respectfully called Democrats, made it clear they were going after him and his supporters with a vengeance.  Though he hadn’t been in office long enough to warrant impeachment Rashida Tlaib defiantly announced to a crowd of her fellow Americans and … Read more

Elderly grandparent old person original Photo by Danie Franco on Unsplash

Joe Biden Is Aging Before Us

Every one of us will face aging, and if lucky, we will have many years past our prime. We are unique individuals and age differently. Some of us may have physical challenges, while others may decline more quickly with mental capacities. Some may be blessed with no significant challenges and a long life.

Maxine Waters, Gary Web, Bill Barr

Whistle Blowers Will Out, For Example, Gary Webb

In general, the big bad guys are able to keep a lid on their activities. Let’s say a genuinely independent drug mafia arose in the city of “Ruriville.” You may think that the police want to prevent it from selling drugs as this hurts the community.

Clock watch timepiece Original Photo by Sonja Langford on Unsplash

CNN Tries to Blame White People But Democrats are to Blame

The COVID News Network (CNN) has a breathless expose on an “until now” unrealized inequity. Researchers, always a suspicious term when applied by the MSM, report that ‘People of Color’ are more likely to experience “inequities seen in sleep health” than white folks.

Nancy Pelois Fire

Nancy Steps Down….Finally

I watched Nancy Pelosi’s farewell speech today, and I confess I cannot shed a tear or think of any positivity in her reign. This last week has been huge for those who wanted to see a change of the guard and a slow-down of the Progressive slide we have been suffering through.

Clock watch timepiece Original Photo by Sonja Langford on Unsplash

Another Reason for Term Limits

The current crop of aging members of the Legislature and the President has generated renewed interest in term limits for all Federal offices. Many members of the House and Senate are over 80 years of age.

Jan 6 Select Committee CSPAN YouTube screenshot

Jan. 6 Committee Criminalizes Questioning Election, Seeking Remedies

About 100,000,000 tax dollars have been spent searching for former President Donald Trump’s transgressions. If President Trump is so guilty, why is the Jan. 6 Committee so one-sided, inflammatory, and dishonest? Chair Bennie Thompson falsely indicated that Capitol Police were killed on Jan. 6; none were. Cassidy Hutchinson presented hearsay evidence; people with first-hand knowledge, … Read more