
Have We Reached The Point Of No Return

There is a rhythm to politics, but we usually live in the middle of the spectrum, leaning one way or the other. Barack Obama made the Progressive Radical Left popular, and for the last sixteen years, we have been pulled out of the middle to the more Socialist Left. The previous four years have been highly volatile, even on the state level.

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For the Children: Ban Flavored Tobacco, but Not Flavored Pot, Legalize Drug Dens (No Age Limits)

If you want to know why Vermont is in such terrible shape on so many fronts, it is because the people we have elected to make important decisions for us are totally unmoored from any rational approach to problem-solving. They are devoid of any guiding principle, barring an intense desire to get their hands on our money and spend it as they see fit, which is usually not in a fit way.

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Riot Protest arson vandalism

Riot, Loot, and Burn

Chicago, Chicago, that bussing town, where violent protesters aka rioters, have set fires, destroyed property, and created massive havoc along with 11 murders and multiple assaults, is again in the news. With a new mayor, are things going to change?

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drugs graffiti fentanyl

Fentanyl, That Devil …

Maybe I’m just being picky, but I have a problem with this Union leader headline. “Direct delivery of Naloxone key to reducing opioid deaths.” It’s key? The key to stopping opioid deaths is trying to prevent death after an overdose.

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NYC Steeet art New York

Can Anyone Defend NYC Drug Campaign

I saw the picture of the PSA drug poster currently being displayed on NYC subway cars, and I was disgusted. I cannot believe how low we have sunk as a society. Like we wake to a new record high gas prices, we also awake to the bar lowered by some government agency or party.

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Pills capsuls cure disease original image by phoenixwil pixaby

I Want A New Drug

To the sober observer, it appears we have crossed over the pharmacological Rubicon where dealing in drugs, once the practice of the dark artists found in alleyways, college campuses, covens, and secret temples, is now so profitable it makes the GDP of a third world country seem like a weekend allowance.

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Smuggling and illegal immigration

How The States Can End the Illegal Alien Invasion

Several years ago, when then-President Obama was allowing Illegal Aliens to invade our Nation pretty much without restraint, I wrote Arizona Governor Jan Brewer a letter.  The letter spoke of Article I of the U.S. Constitution section 10, paragraph 4. Here is the paragraph as per our Constitution:

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heroin spoon needle

Crime and Punishment

Ever since Obama and Dems opened the southern border, states like New Hampshire and Vermont have seen the rise of the only real public health threat in the last decade, opioid drug addiction and overdose deaths. With it came crime and a rise in gang violence.

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Chris Sununu

Remember that Border Crisis Thing Gov Sununu?

With all this CRT business and Schoolboard reporting, we’ve been lax on poking the governor in his tubby rhetorical tummy. Sure, he’s done some good things, but when it comes to any politician, we must remember the phrase made famous by Janet Jackson. What have you done for me lately?

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