Remember that Border Crisis Thing Gov Sununu?

With all this CRT business and Schoolboard reporting, we’ve been lax on poking the governor in his tubby rhetorical tummy. Sure, he’s done some good things, but when it comes to any politician, we must remember the phrase made famous by Janet Jackson. What have you done for me lately?

Or, more accurately, what have you stopped doing or undone for me lately. This is a great twist on the term and leads me to my point (thank, GOD, say the readers). Three years ago, before he was Gubbnuh Flununu, and just Gov Chris Sununu, he said if asked, he would not send the national guard to the southern border.

We were in the midst of the caravan onslaught, and Trump was still building walls and wheeling and dealing to end that. He did. He won that battle and the border crisis with the help of states who sent guardsmen to assist border patrol (CBP) in managing the massive invasion of foreign troops.

Sununu’s reasoning? He would not separate families.

It was very Democrat of him to carry that narrative water. That was what Obama-Biden had been doing. Separating families. It’s why the bamster built those cages for the kids.

It was all part of the same program restarted by the O’Biden administration.

It got so bad that Border point “man” Kamala Harris trekked 1000 miles west of the problem to say she’d been there while Gov. Abbot was rallying the national guard to help CBP in Laredo.

Question. Would Sununu send New Hampshire National Guard troops to the border now? You know, to help Gov. Abbot, if he asked?

Sununu shied away from this before because he’s a ruling class RINO at heart, and daddy hates Trump. Can’t be doing anything to appear to aid and abet that guy even if it would have helped families who might otherwise roast to death in hot trailers or die in the desert when not being ‘separated from their families’ for money by their own family members, drug runners, gangs, and human traffickers.


The same crap is going on now under the Bamster Border Doctrine 2.0, but this time they get free airfare (without vaccination) to any destination to which the Con Air feels like flying.

Even in New Hampshire.

The very source of the rise in drug crime, addiction, and overdoes that separates far too many New Hampshire families from their loved ones. We didn’t help then, so we’ll be paying for that again.

That problem had started to abate, but it’s back with Biden.

NH OD deaths 2011 to 2020

What, exactly, is a quisling governor to do?

He’ll probably run for the US Senate so he can make more to do less and leave these problems to whoever gets to warm the seat on the governor’s office after he’s vacated it. I hear they are saving it for Kelly Ayotte.

The pattern of abuse continues.

Maybe we can hope for something better?


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