EXCLUSIVE: Marco Polo Report on Biden Crime Family

The Hunter Biden laptop story tried to be at the center of the 2020 presidential election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. 

Attempts to circulate the evidence exposing the Biden family for being, as Peter Schweitzer of the Government Accountability Institute at Stanford University, the most corrupt political family in America were thwarted by a collection of social media and intelligence community influencers who derailed it as “Russian disinformation.”  This now ubiquitous labeling of anything the left wants to discredit by tying it to Russia has become paper thin cover, and thanks to the 624-page report by Marco Polo (MP), it is completely transparent.

Nearly three out of four Americans polled said “truthful reporting of the Hunter Biden laptop” would have changed the outcome of the 2020 election. We have obtained a copy of the report and are here to determine the truth as 2024 hangs in the balance.

Marco Polo touts itself as “a non-profit research group exposing corruption and blackmail to drive an American renaissance.”  Their report is thorough to the point of painstaking accuracy, validated by expert analysts, authentic photographs, texts, and documents all put together in a systematic expose of the laptop’s contents.  The only criticism we noticed is the apparent bias in the explanatory writing style of its authors.  This bias, no doubt, can be used by critics to try and denigrate the report, however, our goal is to elucidate the facts that appear to reveal a pattern of corruption not unique to Hunter but his entire family.  Don’t take it from us, however, you can look at the report here*.

(*The content in the report is of a highly sensitive and intended for an adult readership, and should not be viewed around children or anyone sensitive to sexually exploitative images. )

MP implicates the “DOJ, FBI and corporate media for gaslighting the public and accuses them of cowardice by avoiding federal law enforcement of what appears to be criminal activity on the part of members of the Biden family including the sitting president.”

The story begins with a computer repair shop owner named John Paul Mac Isaac.  Mr. Isaac maintains Hunter Biden abandoned the device at his shop in Wilmington, DE beyond the point of safe keeping, at which point Isaac discovered the apparent criminal information, including what appeared to be sex trafficking and other felonies.  Concerned he is in possession of illegal material he contacts F.B.I. child pornography agents .  He is made to wait several weeks before being contacted.

The MP team indicates both F.B.I. agents scrubbed their online accounts around this time, with one agent having direct connections to Hunter Biden via a letter of recommendation given on behalf of the agent’s child to alma mater, St. Joseph’s in Philadelphia.  This type of quid pro quo, if true, underscores the penultimate issue to the higher crimes, which is the ability of law enforcement to be bribed into not doing their tax payer funded jobs.  Above those are the actual crimes and ability of America’s foreign enemies to use them as blackmail.

As a contextual note to this story they list numerous acts of American authorities who, like Hunter, recorded their criminal activity while in office for the public to discover:

  • The Anthony Weiner (D-NY-11) laptop which contained explicit photos exchanged with a 15-year-old girl.
  • Former Congressman Chris Lee’s (R-NY-26) photos shared with strangers on Craigslist.
  • Former first lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email server scandal which netted 38 public official co-conspirators.
  • Former Congresswoman Katie Hill (D-C-25) recorded and photographed sex and drug binges with staff and her now ex-husband leading to her resignation.
  • Ed Buck, mega-donor to Adam Schiff (D-CA-28), and member of the 2016 Electoral College, filmed sex with indigent black men, two of whom he was guilty of overdosing with meth.
  • Thousands of emails between former Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta and Hillary Clinton indicating séances and secret engagements with international bankers.

Though it appears primarily members of the Democrat party who engage in these activities the behavior is bi-partisan.  One recalls former House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill) served 15 months in prison for sexually assaulting his minor students.

The question of authenticity is addressed by MP, citing two separate computer forensic specialists and their analysis.  The first, former Secret Service agent Konstantinos “Gus” Demitrelos, was certified by the federal government.  His credential is with the US Treasury CS2000 program.  Now the CEO of US Cyber Forensics, his conclusion states:

“Based on my analysis and overwhelming data confirms Hunter Biden’s MacBook Pro was not hacked and the data contained in the hard drive is authentic…there was no manipulation of any photographs, emails, documents or other activities.”

The second expert analyst, Bradley Maryman of Mayman & Associates, specializing in computer systems and devices analysis, concludes:

“The operating system timestamps appear to be authentic, and no evidence was found to suggest that the timestamps were altered or manufactured…No indications were found that would suggest the data was manufactured.”

Two more F.B.I. agents are then implicated in “slow walking” the investigation.  The first, a Supervisory Intelligence Analyst named Brian Auten, also played a central role in the Russia collusion/Steele dossier “hoax.”  The second, Tim Thibault, retweeted a Lincoln Project tweet indicating animus toward President Trump, accusing him of being “psychologically broken, embittered and deeply unhappy…”

The chain of command that follows includes multiple agents and officials, including Inspector General Michael Horowitz and Trump AG Bill Barr, all in a position to act lawfully on behalf of the American people, choosing instead to ignore or obfuscate on behalf of the Biden family.  Among their excuses were to “not interfere with an ongoing investigation” and “not…change the outcome of the election again”.

Upon election, Joe Biden appointed Nick McQuaid as chief deputy of the DOJ’s criminal investigations division, despite his being a colleague to Hunter’s attorney at Latham & Watkins.  MP alleges this violates 28 CFR & 45.2 for failure to recuse himself.

MP also cites 18 USC & 4, which requires any person who has “knowledge of actual commission of a felony” must report it “as soon as possible” to “some judge or other person in civil or military authority.”

Further adding to the severity of this MP report are the pictures, ID cards, text and email exchanges, and official documents which verify the owner of the laptop to be Hunter Biden.

The second part of this three-part series will look at the major accusations levied by MP against the Biden family.  They include business crimes involving international cohorts from Ukraine, China, Mexico, Serbia, Romania, and Kazakhstan, sexual crimes including human trafficking, and drug-related crimes now famously meme’d all over the internet.

Part three will consider the implications of federal and private entities positioned to violate the rights of the voting public, what this means looking ahead to the 2024 election, and what our current leadership indicates about us as a country.

For all of the alarm sounding by the establishment in media and DC, it appears the cries of foul play emanate from the very swamp then president Trump said he was hoping to drain.


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