If you have any technical experience, you’ll be familiar with the phrase feature or bug. When something does something you didn’t expect, you have to ask if it was supposed to (a feature) or not (bug). And yes, it’s a joke. Like Oregon, which decriminalized hard drugs claiming they wanted to help more people … overdose?
According to the Oregon Health Authority and their 2022 Opioid Overdose Public Health Surveillance Update on May 19th, opioid overdose deaths have become sequentially worse in the past three years. In 2019, the state’s deaths totalled 280. In 2020 that number rose to 472. And in 2021, those deaths reached a staggering 607 — a 216 percent increase from 2019.
No one is going to say that an exponential rise in drug-related deaths was the plan but at no point in human history of which I am aware has weakening the barriers to lousy behavior led to societal enlightenment. Put more simply, if you removed every social or legal impediment to suicide, many more people would kill themselves rather than tough it out and recover to live long, productive, or meaningful lives.
Related: Depopulation Progs Aren’t Transing Your Kids Out Of Empathy
Killing yourself is a singularly selfish act that leaves others around you to pay to clean up your mess – typically without the benefit of insurance payouts voided by the act.
Drugs are no different.
Addiction to, or regular use of, most currently prohibited drugs cannot affect only the person who takes them—and not his spouse, children, neighbors, or employers. No man, except possibly a hermit, is an island; and so it is virtually impossible for Mill’s principle to apply to any human action whatever, let alone shooting up heroin or smoking crack. Such a principle is virtually useless in determining what should or should not be permitted.
The obvious question is, who, if anyone, thought this would go some other way? And was that even the intention? The political left is obsessed with unraveling society like a ball of string. Their utopia is impossible until they’ve wrecked everything. Add to that their not-so-recent obsession with eugenics, social engineering, depopulation dogma, and a 216% rise in drug overdose deaths, says a feature, not a bug.
Since Obama’s DACA EO circa 2014, we’ve been wrestling with an open border through which gangs and drugs pour. The Democrat response to the exponential increase in overdose deaths was to grow government anywhere but in defense of our border. When Biden planted his creepy hair-sniffing self in the Oval Office, he opened the borders again to similar results.
The kitchen is flooding, but no one bothers to turn off the tap. And so I see it in Oregon. Led by a left-wing loon Kate Brown the folks in the Beaver State embraced Measure 110 without regard for the predictable consequences. People addicted to Drugs will use more drugs if you make it easier for them to get them, have them, and use them.
More drugs, more dead, surprise!
No, I think the people in the tall backed chairs knew what would happen, and they are okay with it. But that doesn’t mean they won’t raise taxes or grow government to address the problem they created. That is, after all, how they get that done.