Riot, Loot, and Burn

Chicago, Chicago, that bussing town, where violent protesters aka rioters, have set fires, destroyed property, and created massive havoc along with 11 murders and multiple assaults, is again in the news. With a new mayor, are things going to change?

Not on your life. The new guy is excusing it all. He says the perps’ young ages and lack of opportunity need to be taken into account.

All that is needed now is for some leftist media hack to call it “mostly peaceful.”

Reports say more “demonstrations” can be expected.

So a major U.S. city in the iron grip of liberal democrats can not 1) create opportunities for its young residents, 2) control these rioters burning and destruction. How come?

Well, first, it’s liberal socialist policies we are talking about, like “defund the police.” Police are the current Democrats’ scapegoat for the riots. Then there are decades of substandard schools and substandard housing but plentiful drugs, drug gangs, and career criminals on early release, along with low or no bail. What could go wrong when Democrats can always blame someone or something else?

Really, are the local liberals here in the Lakes Region much different? Not on your life!

They are too busy patting themselves on their backs for being more moral, more ethical, better educated, and informed than we Conservatives. Do you believe it can’t touch you here?

Go, TRUMP, bring back hope and sanity.



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