Sen John Kennedy R-LA

Democrat Party: You Work and We Take.

by Skip

“Redistribution and race underpins all of their policies, and I don’t recognize this Democrat Party. Here’s what I learned from last night.

Vice President Biden may be the nominee of the party, but Bernie Sanders is the head of the party, that’s clear.

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The Party of Biden or The Party of Washington

The Democrat Party Is Schizophrenic

Democrats today appear schizophrenic. On the one hand, there are a minority of traditional Democrats. They embrace things like the Martin Luther King approach to race. The traditional nuclear family is important to them. They hold close their religious views which are largely Judeo-Christian.

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Schools as Institutional racism

Opposing School Choice Supports Systemic Racism

There was a time when the Democratic Party worked to prosper working people. Today, in New Hampshire and around the country, they oppose allowing tax dollars of working parents to follow their children to achieve the best possible educational environment for their children.

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And the Party of Government is?

by Skip

The party of government is, of course, Democrats. The more, the merrier – and intrusive. It’s starting to reach that hackneyed level but the Democrat National Committee had it at their 2012 Convention:

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Kimberly Rice

“Glaring Double Standard for Republican Women”

THE GLARING double standard for Republican women is back again, this time in the form of New Hampshire Democrats’ demeaning response to New York Rep. Elise Stefanik’s endorsement of Matt Mowers in the First Congressional District Republican primary.

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LBJ and black out of wedlock rate

NotableQuote – a two-fer by Dan Henninger

by Skip

Emphasis mine. No Guardrails (paywall, 1993) ..In our time, the United States suffers every day of the week because there are now so many marginalized people among us who don’t understand the rules, who don’t think that rules of personal or civil conduct apply to them, who have no notion of self-control. As the saying … Read more

Chairman of New Hampshire Democrats Says Stay-at-Home Moms Do Nothing

This: So the esteemed -by his sycophants in the New Hampshire “press” and the New Hampshire Democrats who unanimously reelect him every year- Chairman of the New Hampshire Democrats thinks that stay-at-home moms don’t do anything. Herr Buckley (#HitlerShouldHaveBombedIt) is a misogynist moron. But neither #SkinnyPompousAndBiased (Adam Sexton) nor any of his #FakeReporter colleagues consider … Read more

“Democrats: let terrorists vote”

by Skip

So let me see if I get this straight – a law abiding citizen who has been improperly put on the “do not fly” list and now is a “suspected terrorist” gets stripped of a Constitutional Right (Second Amendment Rights for a rather (almost indeterminate) time) but the Democrats are in favor of an ACTUAL … Read more

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