The Democrat Party Is Schizophrenic

Democrats today appear schizophrenic. On the one hand, there are a minority of traditional Democrats. They embrace things like the Martin Luther King approach to race. The traditional nuclear family is important to them. They hold close their religious views which are largely Judeo-Christian.

They are tolerant of but not supportive of the LGBTQ+ agenda. Traditional Democrats are tolerant, peaceful people; community builders.

On the other hand, there are the bomb-throwers. There are the BLM, Antifa, Anarchists. These groups are hard Left; Marxists. They endorse the use of violence for the acquisition of power. They have no respect for the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution, life, property rights or freedom. They control the mechanics of today’s Democrat Party. Everybody understands what the game is.

The choice is actually quite stark. Which faction of the Party will win? Will the Party fracture? Has there been an exodus? We know the Nominal Party is controlled by Marxists. This tells us the Party’s direction and the candidates in this election will “tow the party line.” So the election this time rests on traditional Democrats who are not Marxists.


Day three Kerry Washington lauded the black community’s diversity as moderator Wednesday. This was very different from Joe Biden’s recent remarks suggesting the black community is not “diverse.” Who knows if this was a direct challenge to Biden? Maybe it was a call to traditional Democrats to unite behind a candidate. At the same time acknowledging he does not represent them. Maybe it was just putting lipstick on a pig. Is the Democrat Party the party of Biden or the party of Washington?

Washington then discussed her own family history saying: “On my father’s side, I am descended from African-Americans who came from slave ships that landed in South Carolina and who were part of the great migration north that has played such a defining role in who we are as a nation…”

“On my mother’s side, my grandparents came here as immigrants, part of a rich history that has also defined America. They immigrated to this country from the West Indies through Ellis Island in the 1920s. I often think about how my grandmother must have felt when she first saw the Statue of Liberty and her raised torch.

“My family’s story is not unique. Unless you’re Native American, your family likely came here from somewhere else, whether it was five years ago or 200 years ago, whether it was by choice or by bondage. Etched into the DNA of who we are as a nation is the very idea that though you may be from somewhere else, you can find your home here.”

The Party’s Candidate

Washington’s comments juxtapose to remarks made earlier this month by Biden. They were viewed by many as insulting to the black community. During an August 6 interview Biden was asked about engaging with Cuba if he wins.

Biden said. “Yes, yes… And by the way, what you all know, but most people don’t know, unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things…. You go to Florida, you find a very different attitude about immigration in certain places than you do when you’re in Arizona, so it’s a very diverse community.”

Biden would later end up tweeting a clarification to his remarks that night.

“Earlier today, I made some comments about diversity in the African American and Latino communities that I want to clarify… In no way did I mean to suggest the African American community is a monolith — not by identity, not on issues, not at all… Throughout my career I’ve witnessed the diversity of thought, background, and sentiment within the African American community. It’s this diversity that makes our workplaces, communities, and country a better place… My commitment to you is this: I will always listen, I will never stop fighting for the African American community and I will never stop fighting for a more equitable future…”

Is the Democrat Party the party of Biden or the party of Washington?


Identity politics is the Democrat game. Have they finally broken their own Party apart? How many traditional Democrats are they purging this time? They have been at this comply or die game with their base for 70 years. It works when the target is small. Cancellation is a successful tactic against individuals.

But, did they take too big a bite the last couple of years? Clearly, the Democrat Party is Schizophrenic. Is its commitment to Marxism full and complete? Is it the tolerant, inclusive, big tent Party? Which side are you on?

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