Norm Silber

There is much to fear depending on the outcome of our elections in November, both at the federal and state level.

ICYMI:  Well, it IS the Party that seems to obsessing over peoples’ looks versus their minds…

With the departure from the Supreme Court of the United States of Justices Ginsburg and Breyer, and with the US Senate now controlled by the Democrat Party, President Biden-Harris, noting that the Constitution does not require that Justices be lawyers (barred or disbarred), has announced that he-she will nominate new justices (with lifetime tenure as mandated by the Constitution) only from the following list vetted by the DNC, ACLU, and George Soros:

  • Hillary Clinton
  • William Jefferson Clinton
  • Susan Rice
  • Stacey Abrams
  • Loretta Lynch
  • Eric Holder
  • Barack Hussein Obama
  • Michelle Obama
  • James Clapper
  • James Comey
  • Peter Strzok
  • Lisa Page
  • John Brennan

Note that Elizabeth Warren is not on the list because she will be the Treasury Secretary.

With a sweep by the Democrat Party nationally and in New Hampshire, we can look forward to the adoption of the following “progressive” agenda in NH:

  • A personal income tax will be enacted.
  • A broad based sales tax will be enacted.
  • Capital gains, realized or unrealized, will be added to coverage of the Interest & Dividends Tax, NH’s dirty little secret income tax.
  • The Business Enterprise and Business Profits Taxes will be increased.
  • Second Amendment protections will be watered down- state pre-emption will go away, allowing local officials to enact gun grabbing local regulation; and Constitutional Carry will disappear.
  • Charter public schools & home schooling will be closed & prohibited.
  • More businesses & professions will require licensing from and regulation by the state.
  • With the enactment of open borders, voting in NewHampshire elections will be allowed by virtually anyone with a pulse.
  • Police departments will be defunded.

Oh, wait!

You say none of this could happen!  But it actually could happen, depending on the outcome of voting in November.

So, vote like your way of life depends on it- because it does.


  • Norm Silber

    Norm Silber is a New Hampshire & Florida lawyer & political activist living in Gilford.  He served as a NH State Representative during 2017-18, was again elected to serve in the House in 2021-22,  and is an active member of numerous politically-oriented advocacy organizations, including The Federalist Society, the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance, the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition, and Gun Owners of America.

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