We Stand in Solidarity

We Stand in Solidarity

Okay, this is clearly Marxist political posturing. The unions engaging in threatening strikes are doing several things. They are using members’ dues money for political action not related to the direct benefit of their membership.

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Treating Disease as a War

“…$30 million dollars per person that died of covid-19…”

by Skip

A little context from Facebook (emphasis mine, reformatted): I don’t want to sound insensitive but with 2 trillion more in spending covering what was never really a national threat it’s going to cost 30 million dollars per person that died of covid-19 just in federal deficit spending. Has not anyone noticed we were not really … Read more

About a Quarter of All Americans.

About a Quarter of All Americans

About a quarter of all Americans are under orders to close up shop and stay home.  Lawmakers in the District of Columbia are nearing a stimulus deal. It could pump over a trillion dollars into the economy. The agreement is on the stated need for a stimulus package. All want to limit the economic damage … Read more

Paying bills

What Is The Perfect Cost Of Education?

Parents, guardians, and students want to calculate the cost of college before enrollment. It helps with budgeting and reserving finances for other expenses. You also have to consider other factors not entered in the fees like professional dissertation writing and social life. The real cost of education will depend on several factors, as outlined below. … Read more

Democrats Support Unions - Oppose Educational Excellence

Democrats Unions – Oppose Educational-Excellence

Democrats’ plan at the national, state and local level is to support unions and oppose educational excellence. They are working to curb or reverse the spread of charter schools. Our kids are brilliant and curious. It’s not fair to keep them down by not supporting education that works.

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I’m From the Government... I’m Here to Help

Healthcare Is Broke… What Do You Say, Let’s Fix It

One thing most Americans agree on is that our health care system is broken. It needs an overhaul. Lets look at what we have. Then maybe we should consider what we can spend. Throw money at the problem…     Some people believe the answer is more money from the District of Columbia. We know DC dollars equal … Read more

Dems Run on Absurd Economic Ideas … Part 1 of 3

Leftists fall short in many areas. They are full of big, bold ideas that no one can implement or pay for. Ideas, many of which were on display during the last two 2020 presidential hopeful debates. It’s one thing to have an idea, but it is quite another to be able to transform it into … Read more

To Eat or Turn On the Lights, Heat, Charge the Car?

Doesn’t wind power seem to be the path to a carbon-free energy future? It’s clean and abundant. Larger turbines have enhanced wind’s power-generating capacity. It’s all good right? Well maybe not so much. Wind energy has grown thanks largely to billions of dollars of production tax credits. That’s a tax , regulatory, and affordability issue. … Read more

Which Side Are You On Congressmen?… Which Side Are You On?

From an article by Houston Keene at the Independent Journal Review: Speaker Pelosi was in New York on Monday. During the event she was discussing immigration policy. In her remarks the Speaker said she believed President Donald Trump‘s postponed Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids were “outside the circle of civilized human behavior” and “appalling.” … Read more

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