“…$30 million dollars per person that died of covid-19…”

by Skip

A little context from Facebook (emphasis mine, reformatted):

I don’t want to sound insensitive but with 2 trillion more in spending covering what was never really a national threat it’s going to cost 30 million dollars per person that died of covid-19 just in federal deficit spending.

Has not anyone noticed we were not really able to save anyone more than we hoped because the virus spreads 250 times faster than any other virus in quite a while. But it does not really kill anyone more than the predicted “severe epidemic” – of Hong Kong flu season of 1968 or other severe seasons like 1957. 2017/ 18 flu season being another that killed up to 95,000.

Never have we done this arbitrary oppression of civil rights and constitutional rights with these other epidemics and pandemics in the history of mankind.

Statistically the elderly could, at their age and with other illnesses, never fight off before – most – “influenza like illnesses” as the CDC has reported. Its well known. The only remedy is to protect them as best as possible and prepare best medicine and hospital equipment to give them the greatest chance of fighting this virus. Let’s remember and keep considering 800,000 people a year die from cigarette related smoking, 650,000 people die from heart related disease, 78,000 people died from, you guessed it, drug overdoses in 2017, and 800,000 possible life extensions die from abortions , all of them died from the liberty of choosing health related decisions. (CDC STATISTICS)

What choice did we have to decide what to do for our personal health that these other people have? How much more in damages and other health related deaths did these imposed criminalization of innocent healthy citizens imposed on us cost society?

The question we should all ask ourselves how many people do you know that died from covid-19 as the only cause of their death?

Unlike the Spanish flu and my family where we lost three family members of three generations during the Spanish Flu of 1918 – this covid-19 had no data to back up the narative to be irresponsiby pushed as Spanish Flu by the Press in their push to raise ratings.

And yet the liberal press still is – why? Is propaganda so powerful today to cause such a hysteria of control through fear? Yes my Lemmings it is.

(H/T: Jeff)

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