Portrait of Happy Family In Park

Blogline of the Day – Things are not always what you see on TV

BUT THE OTHER 70% HAVE BEEN BULLIED INTO KEEPING THEIR MOUTHS SHUT: Just 30% Say Black Lives Matter More Than All Lives. Mostly, I think, because the “tolerant” Left doesn’t tolerate ANY dissent to any issue that gives them more Power. Make no mistake – if Black Lives Mattered, they throw Planned Parenthood out of their … Read more


The Democrats Are Accomplices to Chaos

It may be interesting to hear rational Democrats try to explain away the insane demands of their radical counterparts, but we really don’t need clarification.  When those radicals call for defunding and abolishing the police, they mean exactly what they say.

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Are Manchester, NH Schools a Bastion of Racism?

Over the past several weeks, there have been multiple articles I could have written about things happening at Manchester City Hall or on Hecker Street (HQ for the Manchester School District). However, the reasons I stepped down from my seat on the Board of School Committee, demands of family and business, have prevented me from … Read more

Jerry Delemus

Who Should Not Be in Jail? Jerry Delemus!

Violent Communist agitators backed by millions in donated funds are wreaking as much pre-election organized havoc as possible.  Progressives in Hollywood as well as Democrat elites are complicit in burning down their own cities as angry communists claim the surrendered land as their own.

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Is Governor Chris Sununu a Tyrant or a Racist?

Is Governor Chris Sununu a tyrant or a racist?  I believe this is a fair question, based on his words and his actions during the past few months regarding Covid-19. Under the edicts of the Governor, he forced many businesses in the state of New Hampshire to be closed. Only businesses that were deemed “essential” … Read more

Polling choices poll

Two Conversations are Going on About Race in America

Two conversations are going on about race in America. One side says they live in fear of being harassed or killed because of the way God made them. The second group, mostly conservative, respond with lectures, citing statistics, and posting memes (what a great way to engage in dialogue).

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