Last year when China was trying to figure out how to hide the COVID outbreak Antifa announced that it was going to war. Refuse published an article explaining that they were going to end the Trump-Pence Regime.
If It’s OK for Antifa to Suppress Speech That Could “Lead to Violence,” What About Speech Antifa Uses to Commit Violence?
If Free speech must be suppressed by Antifa to prevent the potential for violence, shouldn’t protests by BLM used by Antifa to perpetrate violence be suppressed too?
Black Lives Matter rally in Laconia, NH – you’ve got other “guests” coming you may not want
LACONIA — Two events are planned in the city to draw attention to the issue of systemic racism and police brutality, including one that police say could draw hundreds to Laconia City Hall. A silent vigil will take place Friday from 4:30 to 6 p.m. on the lawn of the Laconia Congregational Church in Veterans Square. … Read more
One Brave Soul to Stand at the Ready
In a popular Nashua Facebook group last week, a member posted that there was a Black Lives Matter protest being planned for that evening and he warned “If you have a business on Main Street, prepare to defend it.”
BLM Cofounder’s List of 10 Things White People Need to Do (And My ‘List’ in Response)
Black Lives Matters (BLM) wants a lot of things. Like, no more cops. If you’d like an example of what that looks like, turn on your TV and watch the rioting. But they want that, among other things, like this list from BLM co-founder Chanelle Helm, in Lousiville.
To the Left and the Media, Black Lives Don’t Matter – Unless They can Use them for Something Political
The unbiased media invested nearly 12 hours of airtime to protests over the wrongful death of George Floyd. But what about the wrongful deaths of those killed in the riots that followed? Combined, the three major networks could only find four minutes to talk about those tragedies.
NH Dems Claim Victoria Sullivan is Inciting Violence – Ignore Sherry Frost Glorifying Antifa
The New Hampshire Democrats posted a tweet. With it we see an image of some armed patriots standing vigil in defense of local businesses. Victoria Sullivan – who ran against Democrat Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig – was among them. That’s got them Dems all aflutter.
We Aren’t a Nation of Kneelers
The Puritans wouldn’t even kneel to God. When freed slaves knelt as Abraham Lincoln passed by, he told them, “Don’t kneel to me; that is not right. You must kneel to God only, and thank him for the liberty you will hereafter enjoy.”
New Poll – The George Floyd Protests That Turned into Riots Were Hijacked By..?
It’s all fun and games until someone breaks something, and someone broke something—a lot of someones and a lot of somethings. Every clown in the circus is pointing a finger in a different direction. It’s ANTIFA, it’s white supremacists (where those things are different, I suppose). No, it’s [blank].
Andru Volinsky Uses Black Lives Matter for a Photo-Op – Here’s What Else it Means
New Hampshire Executive Councilor Andru Volinsky masked-up and virtue-signaled his way through Manchester the other day. He said something about George Floyd and Black Lives Matter. You mean the group whose co-founder said white Democrats use black people for photo-ops?
Antifa Calls Black Speaker at “Ending Racism” Event a White Supremacist
Daryl Davis is an African American and a “race relations expert who has spent years speaking to and rehabilitating members of groups like the KKK.” Antifa called him a white supremacist.
Tyranny Begins Small
According to the Washington Times over the weekend there was a civil disturbance in Dayton Ohio. Dayton is a small city of about 140,000 people west of Columbus. It is a county seat slightly larger than Manchester. Mobilization against the threat: The Washington Times story estimated the city’s cost at $650K including personnel, contracts and … Read more
BLM Founder – Democrats Use Blacks for Photo-Ops and Votes
Yesterday we reported on Rashida Tlaib accusing Democrats of using Muslims for Photo-ops. Of not caring about their issues. Today, Alicia Garza, one of the Founders of Black Lives Matter. She’s accusing high-ranking Democrats of using blacks to get votes.
Gun Bans, Vote Buying, Shutdowns, Federalism, And Other Assorted Minutia
A gun ban bill gets shot down, marijuana legalization goes up in smoke, no such thing as a government shutdown, Federalism to the rescue, the BLM (Bad Land Management), and other minutia.