Black Lives Matter Rally in Laconia: A Few Observations

The coverage of the Black Lives Matter Rally in Laconia (Laconia Daily Sun, June 9) is so full of hyperbole and misleading statements that I don’t know whether to be angry or sad.

Let’s turn to the last page, shall we?

Related:  If Minneapolis Has Systemic Racism Why Isn’t Over 40 Years of Democrat Rule to Blame?

Per the left-leaning Washington Post, there were 9 (nine) unarmed blacks wrongly killed by police in 2019. If you know of someone who is OK with that, tell them to stay away from me. The same goes for someone who cheered the death of George Floyd.

Also from the Post, 19 (nineteen) whites were wrongly killed by police in 2019. Why isn’t there double the outrage? Perhaps I missed it.

For those who want more, and away we go.

It was noted that “there was no violence…”, which is how it should be. As in “…the Right of the people to peaceably assemble…” Using violence, like using swears, to make a point indicates that you have no logical argument.

I don’t doubt that there is racism in Laconia because there are people exist who have prejudices. Saying that there is “systemic racism” creates a problem that, then, can’t be solved. Identifiable problems can be addressed. One can’t fight a cloud.

An NHTI student was distressed that there have been 20 black lives lost to police during his 20 years of life. There were 18 black lives lost to shooting in Chicago on May 31st. None were by police. Is there anyone in the BLM camp that is upset by that? Anyone? I didn’t think so.

An acrostic was posted on an online service listing 22 black lives purportedly lost to police violence; the names spelled out “Black Lives Matter.”  I researched the names. Two deaths weren’t at the hands of the police. Two of the murderers were convicted and are now in prison. One has the alleged perpetrators in jail facing murder charges. One had realistic-looking pistol (with the orange tip missing), one had a real gun, and one tried to take an officer’s pistol.  Mixing apples and radishes undercut the point that there are cases that truly have abuse of police power as a factor.

A protest attendee, who was a white Vietnam veteran, made what he thought was a  complementary statement “that he could depend on his black [military] comrades”. That suggests that he couldn’t depend on his non-black comrades. See how that wordplay contains implicit racism?

The piece noted that police said that there were people with “assault weapons” at the protest. Sorry to be repetitive when I say that “assault weapon” is a made-up Lame Stream Media term. Assault rifles, on the other hand, as in machine guns, may have been present. However, since ownership of them is highly restricted and they cost tens of thousands of dollars, I suspect that no one actually brought theirs to the Square.

A letter writer questioned why would someone bring a firearm to a protest. or, well, anywhere: well, when you need it, there usually is no effective substitute. Like a parachute. Perhaps he missed that there was no violence by anyone at the rally? Maybe the presence of said tools deterred violence. Unfortunately, you can’t prove a negative.

Another letter writer called those carrying firearms by the negative term “gunmen”? His overall tone seemed pro-Rights to me and was in contrast to the use of the derogatory term.

The chairman of the Laconia Democrats apparently already got his request for better Laconia leadership. A Democrat whose policies are further to the left than his predecessor was elected mayor last time. If he is seeking something else, perhaps he can share it with the rest of us.

A woman’s sign was pictured stating that “silence is betrayal”. Others have equated silence with violence. But wait, haven’t we been lectured that words are violence? Is there a position that we can take between speaking and not speaking? Asking for a friend.

That same woman’s son, she said, has been insulted due to his race. I felt bad about that, I was subject to slurs and actually beaten up many times through school for being Jewish. It’s not right, but until we eliminate people, there will always be people who act on unpleasant views. The best that each individual can do is to clean their own house, set a good example, and refuse to join in the insults.


  • Rick Notkin

    In 2016 I escaped from the People’s Republik of Massachusetts because they forgot that the colony was the Cradle of Liberty. I am a big fan of the Right of armed self-defense. I’m not such a fan of the State getting control of whatever they can get their grubby hands on. Government Power only ratchets towards keeping more power.

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