Bloody fist

Abortion and Democracy

Democrats love to talk about Democracy and how it’s on the ballot or in danger. They also love abortion – so much that killing a newborn in their Democracy is a protected right, and that should scare the crap out of everyone.

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SCOTUS Did Not Ban Abortion

News flash for idiots: the Supreme Court of the United States did not ban abortion. Disregard what Maggie Hassan and Chris Pappas are telling you. In the vast majority of States, women can still get legal abortions with very few changes, and big blue States have no changes at all. Remember, it’s October right before … Read more

NH Flag

Granite Staters Are Ill-Served by Democrat Focus on Abortion

Numerous Concord Monitor Op-Eds, letters, and articles have focused on abortion as perhaps the top 2022 Democrat campaign issue. The dynamic was underscored recently by mailers that went out to many of our Canterbury and Loudon constituents criticizing our votes on HB2 last term, which simply precluded third-trimester abortions.


Democrats More Interested with Abortions than Protecting Regular Families

Democrats’ ads show that abortion is their top priority. Abortion is more important to Democrat politicians: — Than your ability to feed your family and pay your housing, heat, electric, phone, and tax bills, etc. (Democrat incompetence created shortages; their votes created inflation.)

AOC Neiman Marxist

Rep. Cortez Claims Poor People Need Abortion

Many will not know her name, Rep. Cortez, but I refuse to use her three letter moniker. No matter what you call her, Representative Alexandria “Sandy” Cortez is an embarrassment to Congress and the people of New York she represents. Unfortunately, they will probably return her to Congress in November, which does not say much … Read more

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Exposing the Democrat Lies on Abortion

A New Hampshire Republican friend of mine said it best: “I cannot believe so many people really do think the most important thing in life is to end it.” Democrats have been on a voter registration tear since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade.  There’s just one problem for them – it’s the only … Read more

US Supreme Court Building Wash DC

Would a Federal Law Legalizing Abortion Survive the Supreme Court?

Leading Democrats have announced they want a federal statute overruling state laws that restrict abortion. In other words, they want Congress to legalize nearly unrestricted abortion nationwide. Obviously, such a law would intrude into an area of social policy traditionally left to the states.

Shannon McGinley

It’s About Much More Than Abortion

WHATEVER you may think of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, the recent attacks on churches and pregnancy centers should alarm you. Gone are the days when we could openly and freely discuss our differences, recognizing that everyone has a right to their opinion.

Unhinged Democrats

Build Back Better…Abortions!

Mt. Abortion is the hill the Dems have decided to die on, or was it Mt. Transgender? Mt. No More Fossil Fuels? Mt. Record Inflation. Mt. Disarm the law-abiding. Mt. Crappy Economy. There’s a range of them, and abortion is the most recent (again), and it’s killing babies or bust.

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FAKE NEWS: Associated Press Reporter Holly Ramer LIES About NH’s Abortion Law

NH-NeverTrump Journal recently held a debate for the GOP U.S. Senate primary. Associated Press reporter Holly Ramer’s write-up focused nearly exclusively on abortion (probably around 75%), with the remainder primarily devoted to the recent “bipartisan” federal red-flag law legislation. Ramer’s write-up FALSELY claimed that New Hampshire’s abortion law contains no exceptions for rape or incest: … As … Read more