ICYMI – Where Maggie Hassan Unintentionally “Defines Abortion Clinics” and Stomps on the Pro “Choice” Argument

I regularly donate to support pregnancy care centers. They save women, and relationships, build families and protect unborn lives. They do that work with the aid of registered nurses, paid staff, volunteers, and care counselors who will even help you if you’ve decided to have an abortion.

Related: War on Pregnancy Crisis Centers Proves Democrats are Not “Pro-Choice”

These are real choices that Democrats despise.

When the Dobbs decision dropped, the Left lost its hive mind because choice was never an option. Women go to “health centers” that provide either contraception or abortion” or go nowhere. DC ambassador to New Hampshire Maggie Hassan was Janey on the spot with a press release mocking pregnancy crisis centers as fake.


When a woman facing an unintended pregnancy seeks medical advice, she deserves accurate and honest medical facts so she can determine her own future. What she does not need, however, is false or inaccurate information when making a deeply personal health care decision. …

These fake health centers are often located near real medical health centers. They use deceptive websites and advertising to bring women in, and once they get there, women can be subjected to lies about medical facts and undergo medically unnecessary tests, often administered by unlicensed individuals.


Hassan has provided an accurate description of abortion clinics in New Hampshire and, I would guess, most of the country. You don’t need to be a licensed professional to perform an abortion in New Hampshire, and the staff does little more than encourage you to make an appointment to end the life inside you. And after this traumatic event, they show you the door.

And we know this is true. Every effort to require some association between abortion mills and nearby hospitals (licensed health care facilities) is meat with outrage. How dare you expect these vital community resources to have doctors on staff or on-call in an emergency?

The deafening silence from Hassan and her ideological ilk as pregnancy crisis centers are vandalized, their facilities fire-bombed, or shut down by unhinged abortion activists is also telling.


Did you know that in New Hampshire, it is against the law to protest in front of an abortion clinic if it in any way – deliberately or not- impedes access? The law has never been enforced, and it is unconstitutional, but there are no such protections for pregnancy crisis centers.

And not a word from Maggie’ Pro-Choice’ Hassan. That’s because she’s not about having choices. She is about the Progs agenda, and if she has to lie about that, she will, and we know it’s a lie. She’s probably never been in a Pregnancy Crisis center. She has no idea what they do, their advice, or the services or counseling they offer to women for free, whether they choose abortion or not.

And it shows.

Maggi Hassan doesn’t care about choice or women. She cares about the agenda regardless of what it does to them, or the lives lost to abortion.



Note: And yes, I have been to an abortion clinic. I know how it works, what they do and don’t do, and the complete absence of support that comes with making that choice.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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