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Rep. Dave Testerman Sides With Democrats, Betrays Women And Girls

Over the past weeks, families and churches around New Hampshire have engaged in tireless advocacy and negotiation to protect the dignity and privacy of women and girls in New Hampshire by working to get HB 396, State Recognition of Biological Sex, to the House floor. On Wednesday night, their efforts were single-handedly demolished by Republican representative … Read more

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Cornerstone Statement on Dobbs Decision

With Friday’s decision in Dobbs, the issue of abortion has now been returned entirely to the states. Despite what you may have heard, Granite Staters who oppose abortion should understand that, when it comes to abortion law, this decision changes nothing about our immediate situation in New Hampshire. Early this year, Governor Sununu—despite his earlier promise to … Read more

How About Running for Office – Yes, You!

We elect our legislators every two years, and 2022 is a state election year. Primary elections for the NH State Senate and House of Representatives are in four short months, and the general election is in six months. A lot can happen in that time. Will you be part of ensuring a bright future for … Read more

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