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Abortion, Abortion, Abortion

I see in the New Hampshire Journal that the NHGOP is going to waste donor money in six figures again. It is the anniversary of the Dobbs decision, which correctly abandoned Roe v. Wade and sent the abortion question back to the states. Massachusetts and Mississippi are always going to decide differently, and under federalism, … Read more

Mom and baby Original Photo by Hollie Santos on Unsplash

No Constitutional Right to Abortion in NH

On Thursday, February 1st, the Democrats in the New Hampshire House of Representatives will be attempting to put a right to abortion in the New Hampshire Constitution (CACR23), and we must stop them. We cannot make the destruction of children and women a right in the New Hampshire Constitution.

abortion on demand

Forget Prosperity, We Have Abortion For All

Michelle Obama once said, “If They go low, we’ll go high.” So what does the Democrat’s favorite First Lady have to say about the Biden/Harris Administration putting their reelection campaign on a one-horse pony: abortion? Silence. The Obamas are sending mixed signals on the 2024 election.

Kamala Harris original Image by Natalie Kirk from Pixabay

Fear, Free, And Abortion

There was a Kamala Harris sighting this week as she visited The View for a softball session in the henhouse. In addition to the adoration showered upon the Vice President by these faux journalists, Harris seized the opportunity to lay out the campaign strategy for the Biden/Harris reelection bid.


NH Executive Council Rejects Abortion Subsidies

(Concord, NH Nov 29, 2023) New Hampshire Right to Life (NHRTL) applauds the decision of the NH Executive Council to reject Title X contracts that would have subsidized abortions. Today’s decision ensures that taxpayer dollars and the conscience of pro-life citizens are protected.

abortion on demand

Cry About Abortion All You Want, But Know Conservatives Are To Blame

The Nov. 7 elections were a sobering reminder that we live in a godless country. For the sane, it’s terrifying to realize the people voting with you on which laws and politicians will hold power have forgotten what human dignity is. Still, the blame for Ohio voters passing Issue 1 is not with the immoral … Read more