Abortion and Democracy

Democrats love to talk about Democracy and how it’s on the ballot or in danger. They also love abortion – so much that killing a newborn in their Democracy is a protected right, and that should scare the crap out of everyone.

Related: To Dems’ Democracy’ Does Not Mean What They Want You to Think It Means

Abortion at birth. A baby in hand, mewling or crying, and then no more. Either executed or abandoned to die. I can think of no better imagery for what Democrats mean by Democracy. It is the absolute right of the state to define the value of innocent life (any life) and end that life if they find it inconvenient.

Democratic-Socialism is the Democracy of abortion. Define or redefine it and use the power of the majority to justify its extinction, be it an enumerated right or a human life.

Do I need to sift history for examples?

It is the mindset of every despot and tyrant, especially those that have preceded the American political Left’s 50 shades of Marxism. It’s a love story about sadism, but the rotten apple of their eye is not the object of torture but the tools.

For nearly fifty years, the Democrats have used those tools on women, primarily minorities, to end babies’ lives. There’s no allegory; this is an in-your-face admission of their indifference to human life. The same political party that husbands assisted suicide and deadly experimental drugs.

The depopulation party.

And maybe you think there are too many people, and we are destined to run out of resources, and a healthy approach to fewer bodies on Gaia’s back is worth consideration. Why would you give that power to the government?

There are no examples in human history where allowing this has not resulted in its use to eliminate people who present even the slightest threat to regime power or its political interests.

As but one example, Democrats (with some republican help) are detaining, without bail, trial, or counsel, US citizens who were in DC on January 6th and might be guilty of trespassing because they need them for their insurrection star-chamber.

The Democrat party is lost. If you don’t want to lose America as well, we all need to step up and vote as many of them as possible out of elected office at every level of government. If left unchecked, the right to imprison or kill (or inject with dangerous drugs) whoever inconveniences them will work its way into law.

Their obsession with abortion is a warning we can’t ignore.



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