SCOTUS Did Not Ban Abortion

News flash for idiots: the Supreme Court of the United States did not ban abortion. Disregard what Maggie Hassan and Chris Pappas are telling you. In the vast majority of States, women can still get legal abortions with very few changes, and big blue States have no changes at all. Remember, it’s October right before the midterms so lying is the Left’s game plan, and its only hope to keep many women voting for Democrats; lie, lie and lie again.

It can’t be said enough, neither Hassan nor Pappas have done anything in Congress except vote to create massive inflation, raise your rents or montages, and reduce your lifestyle with ever-increasing costs. All of a sudden, Pappus is going to push a bill that forbids those in Congress from working the stock market? Hey folks, that already exists so he’s promising you nothing new.  So Hassan is now what, a moderate?  Clams she crosses the aisle, bucking her party, and will lower your taxes? OMG, she sounds more like what she has been calling a radical conservative for years.  Look, you know none of what they are pumping is anything more than smoke and mirrors. Just as soon as (if) they get reelected, you’ll never hear another word from either one of them on any of their campaign promises.

So once again, SCOTUS did not ban abortion. Pregnant ladies, you can still murder your baby within the time conditions laid out by your State’s laws. Here in NH, nothing at all has changed and contrary to what Maggie and Pappus allude to, they can not change any of that. What’s more, none of the Republicans running for national office against them can, in any way, affect any changes concerning abortion at the State level.

What voters on every side have to consider is whether will they will be able to heat their homes, feed their kids, and afford gas for their cars – or not. As violent crimes are increasing all across the nation, even here in NH, murderers, rapists, drug dealers, and sex traffickers are causing young girls to “disappear”. Are you comfortable when your daughters leave the safety of your home? Are you safe in your home, as home invasions are going up too?

If none of any of this bothers you, well, go ahead and vote for the candidates who helped create all of this: Maggie Hassan and Chris Pappas, both of whom voted for and supported Biden’s every disaster and failure. If, on the other hand, your family’s welfare comes before some misplaced “Party” loyalty, wouldn’t it be a good idea to replace a couple of failed career politicians with new blood? What have you got to lose voting Republican since the Democrats have thrown you all under the bus anyway?

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