flag America in distress

Voting For ‘Abortion’ Kills America

How ironic is it that the Left would choose death as the political hill to die on? Killing unborn babies is so important to their voters that they are willing to abort the economy, public safety, national defense, property rights, and liberty itself in exchange.

Vote, ballot, ballot box

Off Year Elections Show Abortion Still Number One Issue

There appears to be no issue that motivates voters as much as Abortion rights. You can maybe add the legalization of recreational Marijuana as a close second. There were a limited number of states with elections this year, but three states in particular should be warning signs for both Parties.

Barre Planned Parenthood No Longer Performs Abortions

Whether due to a worker shortage, the Dobbs decision, and/or answered prayer, the Planned Parenthood clinic on Washington Street no longer performs abortions, according to its website and anecdotal reports from pro-life activists.

Nikki Haley screenshot Haley presidential website

Nikki Haley … Abortion-Queen

The Biden-regime believe that one of the imperatives of the federal government is to promote abortions. Indeed, the Biden-regime is using military-funding to help pay for abortions. Senator Tommy Tuberville has blocked promotions in order to force the regime to stop. Nikki Haley thinks that’s “shameful”: … Tuberville placed a hold on military promotions when … Read more

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Abortion Is Key To Military Readiness?

John Kirby and Lloyd Austin showed Tuesday just how low the Biden Administration has taken the conversation, our morals, and our country in just thirty months. I have referred to Joe Biden’s need to “finish the job” in his second term, and I am convinced that means the total destruction of this once great country.

Sun King Sununu

Sun-King Sununu Says People Who Oppose Late-Term Abortions Are LOSERS

There is a saying that a soft life produces weak men. In Sun-King Sununu’s case it is a weak, soulless man. Our not-so-little Lord Fauntleroy … a narcissist, who loves to hear himself talk … says that pro-lifers are LOSERS. I kid you not. From his publicist, the NeverTrump grifter, Mikey Graham:

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Abortion Is Our “Canary in a Coal Mine,” and Hardly Anyone Cares

The beating heart of an unborn is like a canary in a coal mine.  When the canary’s heart stops, it means deadly gases are in the mine. When an unborn’s heart is unnaturally stopped, it means a dark societal force is at work and if not contained, it will destroy everything in its path.