Suicide is a tragic and unpleasant business and is unusually common among people who know the Clintons. When a firearm is used, whether you knew the Clintons or not, the Left calls that gun violence. But that’s dishonest.
Democrats are the party of assisted suicide, murdering the per-born, and social engineering. For nearly a century they’ve been obsessed with eugenics and population control, only recently justifying that position because of their man-made climate change narratives.
That’s dishonest too. Another excuse to off the heathens or for them to off themselves.
Democrats desire fewer human beings on mother birth parent earth, and those who end themselves for that reason (sometimes with more emissions than necessary) are lionized. They get a party, a parade, and a thank you for their sacrifice. But it’s just a “late-term” abortion to save the planet.
How old? Only 2,340 weeks.
Shouldn’t that be what any suicide is for Democrats?
They opened the borders to an endless stream of drugs that have resulted in significant loss of life. And it’s a multi-fold scheme—first, more crime and disorder (is that a tingle up the left leg?). Second more people die (saving the planet). Third – they can grow the government to address the addicts they created who didn’t kill themselves. Fourth, a significant strain on both people and resources that aid in collapsing society (more crime and disorder and left-leg tingles).
And inner-city minority on minority crime is entirely their fault with policy priorities that suggest it is deliberate. So if we’re all being honest, people who kill themselves with guns are doing the Democrat party a favor—fulfilling policy objectives.
It is assisted suicide (which they also adore) without assistance.
And if you shoot yourself with a firearm, why is that not a post-womb abortion? It is a deliberate act that removes another CO2 exhaling mouth breather whose absence will take a bit more strain from the back of our dying planet™.
Here, of course, is the catch and their one true objective. They are obsessed with guns killing so many people (for any reason – which they like) so that they can insist on the government having all the guns. Then they can decide, at a moment’s notice if history is any guide, who is a burden or has worn out their welcome and need to be dead.
And now we’re back to the Clintons.