Leslie Milwee

ICYMI – “I was Sexually Assaulted by Bill Clinton”

Not me personally, though the way Democrat women dismiss (and mistreat) WJ Clinton’s accusers is a form of assault. No, I am referring to Leslie Millwee who, in 1980, was an attractive young 20-year old TV reporter in Arkansas.  Bill Clinton was the Governor. Guess what happens next?

Leftism Eradicates Character

Leftists tend to hold America in contempt. They prefer socialism to capitalism and regard all white people and police as racist. To them the Bible, Christianity, and Judaism are not only nonsense, but dangerous nonsense. There is an implicit adherence to a belief that men and women are not inherently different or even that male … Read more

Venezuela Poverty Protest-Image credit The Daily Signal

Trump Takes on Russia and China Over Venezuela

The Chinese have accomplished a lot. They stole all of Sec. of State Hillary Clinton’s emails from her illegal server in real-time. They planted a spy next to Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein for decades. Some Chinese citizens sued Terry McAuliffe and Hillary’s brother Tony for fraud. And since Mr. Trump got elected, they’ve started to come … Read more

border wall

Many Dems were for a wall before it became Trump’s wall

Sometimes a squabble is about a principle, a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption. Other times it is about a principal, a person who has controlling authority or is in a leading position. Occasionally a squabble is about principle on one side and principal on the other. Such is the case with respect to … Read more

smirking trump

MI6 Pleads with Trump: Don’t Declassify “Collusion” Docs

British Intelligence was in on the plot to spy on Trump (and cover it up with the Collusion narrative). That’s been clear for some time. The one thing that might disprove that is declassification of the documents relating to the FISA warrants. The interviews that lead to the spying. But MI6 doesn’t want them declassified. Related: Bob … Read more

Congressional Democrats Suddenly Don’t Want “Collusion” Documents Declassified

Democrats have been demanding transparency. When the recent FISA application was released with redactions at least a few of them are said to have claimed that there were more damning details under those redactions. I guess that’s true. When Mr. Trump approved the declassification of some of those documents last week, Congressional Democrats lined up to … Read more

Republicans must not cower in the face of Democratic treachery

From the very beginning, Democratic lawmakers made it clear they intended to oppose Judge Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court. Deeply enmeshed in the resistance movement and anti-Trump hysteria, the rationale for their opposition is clear. Kavanaugh is a conservative judge, nominated by a president they revile. Their desperation to derail his nomination was made … Read more

Where We Stand In NH Digital Media Right Now

While Creepy touchy Uncle Joe Biden considers a run at a job where you might get to nominate Supreme Court Justices (maybe he’ll send a letter asking Dianne Feinstein to be his VP) GraniteGrok has been steadily climbing the internet digital-print-media ladder in New Hampshire.

A Quick Thought on The Latest Kavanaugh Allegations

by The Editors Judge Brett Kavanaugh was accused of some sort of misbehavior thirty years ago by a woman no one had heard of until this past week. So, what do we know and what do we need to know? GraniteGrok is here to help.

The Most Liberal State Has the Highest Poverty Rate – NH Still Lowest in the Nation

The U.S. Census released its most recent data on Poverty in America last week and surprise, surprise, surprise! The far-left land of Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Brown, Dianne Feinstein, Tech Giants, and Hollywood Gazillionaires continues to have the highest rate of poverty in the nation. A place where homelessness has skyrocketed alongside the massive burden of the welfare … Read more

Dem’s Using Russia Narrative To Silence Speech They Oppose

David Harsanyi writing in The Federalist wades into the latest on the #Releasethememo kerfuffle. The “memo” is rumored to outline FBI abuses some would have made public. Democrats (why is it always Democrats?) are scrambling to block the memo or discredit its contents, among them Dianne Feinstein and Rep. Adam Schiff; who are suggesting that the Russians … Read more