
Should We Call it the Feinstein Effect?

You’ve heard of the Streisand Effect. Wikipedia defines it as “a phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely.” Streisand sued a photographer working on a coastal erosion project for posting a picture of her home online. Before Babs outrage, six … Read more

Feinstein v. Kavanaugh – Assault Weapons v. Semi-Automatics, and Common Use

Dianne Feinstein has a problem. Sorry. We could fill a blog with everything with which Dianne Feinstein has a problem and, wait. I think we…anyway. Today’s “problem” is common use with regard to what the California Senator refers to as “Assault Weapons” and Judge Kavanaugh’s response regarding ‘semi-automatic’ weapons, precedent, and the second amendment. The Senator thinks that he and … Read more

BREAKING: Ayotte Votes for Feinstein Amendment

Senator Ayotte just voted for Dianne Feinstein’s amendment that would allow the government to prevent the sale of guns or explosives to “suspected terrorists”.  Keyword: suspect. No trial. No hearing.  Thankfully, the amendment failed. Here’s a description of the Amendment from Feinstein’s site (emphasis mine): The amendment would give the attorney general the authority to … Read more

US Senator Diane Feinstein – looking to Obama Executive Orders to ban guns.

She’s at it again – wanting to disarm the American public.  This time, she shows that she’s no stalwart of the constitutional process if it means she can use other means to get to her end point.  Thus, with Obama promising to go around Congress, she’s all in for handing the Senate and House’s Constitutional … Read more

Senator Feinstein, didn’t you take an oath too?

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.), one of the chief apologists of the NSA domestic spying program, said on CBS’s Face the Nation that oaths are very serious, especially if you’re a would-be whistleblower. When asked about Edward Snowden, Feinstein said, “I don’t think this man is a whistleblower,” adding that he should have stayed and … Read more

Elderly grandparent old person original Photo by Danie Franco on Unsplash

Joe Biden Is Aging Before Us

Every one of us will face aging, and if lucky, we will have many years past our prime. We are unique individuals and age differently. Some of us may have physical challenges, while others may decline more quickly with mental capacities. Some may be blessed with no significant challenges and a long life.

Dianne Feinstein

Weapons of War? You Bet.

Dianne Feinstein, in introducing yet another gun-grab bill, declared that ‘assault weapons’ are ‘weapons of war.’ Of course, by this point, the pro-rights reflex is to shout back:  No they’re not!  And then to start listing all the other uses for what are more accurately called semi-automatic sporting rifles.

The D.C. Bureaucracy Has It’s Own Term Limits Problem

When was the last time you heard a professional politician make sense? Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee said over the weekend in an interview there should be term limits “for bureaucrats.” The comments were made in an appearance with Steve Hilton on Fox News’ “The Next Revolution.”